Wow! We are finally figuring out what the heck we should be doing with the baby. Between our Snuggli and our Infantino sling, we wear the baby pretty much all day. He seems to like this quite a bit, although I did drop a spoonful of blueberry yogurt on him this morning while wearing him at breakfast. We have also realized that we don't need sleep anymore-- cool, huh? Last night, we only slept about 3 hours, but we're feeling okay. Harry has also gotten out of the apartment this week. On Monday and Tuesday, he went for walks with both of us. Wednesday, he went to the doctor for a 2 week check up, and we found out that he weighs 6 pounds, 12 ounces! Yesterday, he went to Barnes and Noble because he's already heard all of his books, and we took a walk through the park. Because he's always in the sling or Snuggli, I am not sure he knows that he's gone anywhere, but he might notice that I've changed my shirt. Harry has an exciting weekend ahead of him-- his grandma and grandpa J are coming to visit tomorrow, so we'll post more pictures after that.
H.B. relaxing after a meal... he'll be ready to eat again in 45 minutes!

A rare shot of Harry sleeping in his crib-- usually he is a people sleeper.
This is his preferred napping location.

This is where he sleeps at night.

Harry enjoying one of his new books.

These next few pictures might shock you because they are not of all of us sitting on our couches... yes, we are going a little stir crazy because we rarely leave these 1000 square feet we call home... soon, Harry will be even more mobile, though, and we can get out more. Wearing him is a step in the right direction.
Anyway, here's Harry and me in his room getting ready to go to the doctor.

An awkward family photo

Ben and H.B. at the park-- not just in another room but OUT OF THE APARTMENT!!!! AUGHHH!!!

Finally, a few shots of Harry doing what he does best-- napping!

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