Here's Harry and his dad waiting for Lynne and Gar. You can't see it, but his shirt says "Boob Man."

Harry chillin' with his grandpa-- at different ends of the couch-- how's that for adventure?

Harry playing with both of his grandparents. He's always a perfect angel when company comes over.

Ahhh, a nap on Grandpa...

More playing-- boy was Harry tired

A quick lunch in the car-- a little gassy and confusing, but the traces of Bruegger's Bagels were quite enjoyable.

Us at the lake-- we swear Harry's in the sling

Harry's first lunch out at Adler's-- Ben and Sarah's first trip to a restaurant since before Harry was born.

And now for a special treat... The Many Faces of Harry, starring Harrison Benjamin as "The Baby"

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