See how happy I am? I'd give the trip 2 thumbs up if I knew where the heck my thumbs were. I found one once, and it tasted great. Now if I could only figure out where it went... Anyway, this is my first smile on camera, but not my first smile. I smile at my dad all the time. On Wednesday, August 16th, however, my parents finally figured out how to get my smiles on record.

Here I am just hanging out, having no idea that my life is going to be suddenly and completely disrupted for almost a week.

Me and my dad cuddling and enjoying some quiet time only moments before the frenzy of my summer tour began.

Oh my gosh. My parents are so funny. That's me in a suitcase. Yeah. I am so little. How amusing. My sides hurt I am laughing so hard. I hope my sarcasm comes through in this caption.

I like it a lot when my dad tickles my tummy.

The first leg of my journey: St. Charles, IL. Overall, I give this part of the trip a definite thumbs up (where is it? It tasted way better than my cifier, and I didn't drop it all the time). I got to meet a ton of my family and my one of my mom's oldest and best friends, Cathleen, who had the kind of hair I could (and did) wrap myself up in and sleep in for hours. I also got to see my Aunt Jen and Uncle Maurice, and my grandparents gave me a bath and babysat me while my mom and dad went out. Pretty awesome, huh?
This is my room at my Grandma and Grandpa J's house. I am a big fan of the daybed and of the Pack n' Play. I was a pretty good sleeper!

Here's my Grandma and Grandpa giving me a bath. I love baths, which is good because I also love to pee on my own face and head. Grandma and Grandpa kept saying they were out of practice, but I think they did excellent work. They're a lot more careful with me than my parents are. I tell you what, you start holding up your head 89% of the time, and your parents think you're ready to do the backstroke and run a marathon. Hello, a little head support every now and then, people! New parents think they know everything, but maybe they should learn by example every now and then, you know? Anyway, thanks for the bath, Grandma and Gramps.

Have I mentioned how much I love to nap in the bouncy chair?

Do these stripes make me look fat?

Mom and Dad said to give me a bottle while they were gone, but they should have been more specific...

Cathleen and my mom-- man, all they ever do is talk, talk, talk...No one got a word in edgewise with those two, but oh my goodness did I love that hair!

The Cubs suck, but just wait till next year!

Am I too young to have my first crush?

I cannot believe I forgot to mention this! While I was in St. Charles, I got to go to my Aunt Jen's Baby Shower!! See, I am lucky enough to be getting a cousin soon, and my family was all at my Grandma's house to celebrate his impending arrival. Since I got my shots last week (can we talk about how awful that was?), my mom didn't even make everybody wash their hands before they touched me. She had hand sanitizer in her bag, but she didn't even force people to use it. Boy was she nervous!!!
Here I am with my Great Aunt Jean, who is also my dad's Godmother.

Here's my Great Aunt Julie and my cousin Alison

Here I am meeting my Great Grandma Dolores for the first time. Can you tell that we are both excited?

Here's my with my Great Grandma and my Great Grandpa Leonard

4 generations of Jedds!

Taking a quick nap on my grandma's shoulder while Aunt Jen opens her presents. Wow-- Max got some cool stuff!

Chillin with my Great Grandparents and Alison

I'm starting to feel like a broken record-- you know who these people are!

Thanks, Aunt Jen, for tying that ribbon around my head, and no matter what you say, I know I don't look like this Rambo fellow you speak of-- who the heck is that, anyway?

Some more good family shots. Am I the only one who thinks my sunglasses are ridiculous? Am I the only one who heard the doc say to AVOID DIRECT SUN EXPOSURE?

Getting ready for a post-shower snack.

Getting changed because the post-shower snack made me puke a little.

Now that's what I call a chair!

So sad to be leaving St. Chucks, but I'll see everybody soon when Max is born.

Pekin: The 2nd leg of my journey. I got to see Grandma and Grandpa M and my Uncle Ben. I also saw the place where my mom and dad met, their good friend Dan, and another one of my mom's best and oldest friends, Katie. My parents went out for dinner again, and my grandparents took me for a walk around their neighborhood. Another adamant thumbs up (I can find my fist--want to see me shove it in my mouth?)
Here I am with Grandma Lynne

Talk about germs-- we wasted no time getting right back in the car and visiting Grandpa Gary at the pharmacy

Here I am meeting Katie and her fiance Hani. They are getting married on New Year's Eve, and they showed us all around their new condo, which we liked a lot!

My Grandpa is the only grown up I know who naps as much as I do!

Bradley Hall, where the magic began... Make me puke, why don't you!

Note that I am inside this abandoned stroller. Very funny, Dad

Here I am with Dan, the only one of my mom's roommates (besides me and Dad) who still hangs out with her.

My parents dress me so funny. I think it's their major form of entertainment

This is Mike, one of my grandparents' oldest friends.

Here I am with my Uncle Ben. Someone has to tell my mom to stop making that stupid rice joke that no one laughs at. We all heard you, Mom-- we're ignoring you, get it?

Here I am walking with my grandparents in their 'hood.

I am encountering those toys on my seat again

Still walking

Enjoying some tummy time. Note my grandparents' dog, Tripod. She's as vicious as my parents feared she'd be, huh?

Here's my cute room in Pekin and me cute in it

Hanging out on my Grandma and my Mom

So sad to leave Pekin! We'll be back soon for my mom's 10th highschool reunion-- boy is she old!

The only part of the whole trip that I totally hated was the car ride-- even though we stopped so I could have a bite to eat. Dad doesn't look like a big fan of the road, either.

I'd like to end this entry with a whole bunch of awesome pictures of me-- no captions needed because they're so cute. Oh, and my mom said to tell all my fans that because this entry is so huge, don't expect an update again for a little while! She just hates to disappoint. See you later, alligators.
