Here's Harry posing with the T-shirts his Grandma and Grandpa M sent us in preparation for the trip. We really do feel like Roadies-- who knew a little guy could need so much stuff for a car trip? We'll be with Grandma and Grandpa J for Saturday and Sunday, then we'll leave for central Illinois on Monday and stay there until Wednesday, when Ben has to return to work. Harry is looking forward to his first Pack n Play experience in St. Charles, as well as his nursery in Pekin. This week, he is learning how to nap in his crib (yeah!), so hopefully the trip will not impede his amazing progress. There is hope for my dissertation yet!
Here's Harry noticing (and interacting-- or at least encountering--) the toys on his bouncey seat.

Here he is noticing the fine looking baby in the mirror above his head... Who is that handsome devil?

Here he is modeling a cute little number from Baby Gap.

Here's Harry napping sideways on his Boppy-- before sleep in the crib became our life's goal.

Me and Ben celebrating our first anniversary with a carriage ride.

The view from the carriage-- we should have taken a picture of the traffic backed up behind us!

The flowers Ben had waiting at our table at Tornado Room

My dinner-- escargot and prime rib-- all over my dress. And I was worried about Harry spitting up on me!

The two of us at our table.

Harry helping me open my Tiffany jewelry on Anniversary Morning

Our defrosted cake, which tasted great, and some of the hearts Ben hung around the apartment-- each heart had a special memory written on it-- how romantic!

Harry napping on the couch in his Western wear, which is really hip for fall.

Harry so mad at me because I dropped the iron and woke him up from his nice nap. In fact, he is so mad at me that his nice little onesie is an ironic onesie...

Ahh, he really does love his mommy!

that little guy is getting cuter by the minute..and Sarah, both you and Ben look absolutely wonderful..of course marriage has been great for both of you,,,,Bomma