Here is lucky Harry being adored by some of the many women in his life-- his Grandma Lynne, his Great Aunt Leslie, his Great Grandma Bomma, and of course his Mommy.
We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend in fabulous Des Moines, Iowa. The drive only took 4.5 hours, and Harry slept most of the way, waking up only once to eat and poop on the way there and twice on the way back-- well, we actually woke him up on the way back because we were stopped along I-80 to have our favorite gas station sandwiches (sounds way grosser than it is), and you know Harry-- he's always up for a quick meal.
Here's Harry meeting Bomma and Jack for the first time

Here he is shooting the breeze with Bomma

Harry looks cool in his overalls, huh? Here he is hanging with his Daddy

Harry with his Aunt Boo and cousin Molly, who has her very own blog and needs to email us the link!

Harry with his Great Grandpa Jack kicking it in Jack's comfy chair

Harry with Grandma Lynne

Harry Pants looking pretty chubby. It's funny because when Bomma and jack got their living room couches, they were concerned about stains, but those sofas have lasted through dogs, grandkids, and now a great grandkid, and they're still white! Maybe Harry can fix that by spitting up orange when he's finally eating cool things like squash.

Harry with his Grandma and his Great Aunt Heather-- no they are not possessed-- just a bad light trick.

Sarah and Jack looking at Grandma Lynne's camera. It's funny because they are the only people in the world to have viewed the contents of that camera. Lynne had some awesome pictures, but they were all destroyed in a freak viewing accident shortly after this picture was taken. The camera's last act was to rip the barb from its chest... Oh, sorry. Wrong freak accident.

Harry on his tummy-- trust us, his Grandma had a much better view!

Crabby Harry with his cousin Molly

Harry with his Uncle Ben-- ask Ben about Harry's wolverine rash.

Coming soon: Harry's new cousin Max! Max Maurizio was born on Tuesday, September 5th at 6:10 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and he was 19 inches long. We can't wait to see him, and we hope to have some pics to publish on Saturday. Congrats to Jen and Maurice!
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