I'm so scared. We're lost, and I hear voices. I think they're after us. And it's so cold out here. I'm really scared right now. Just kidding. Don't I totally look like the girl from The Blair Witch Project?
Last weekend, my Mom, Dad, and I went to Indianapolis for Brad and Cathleen's wedding. We had so much fun. My Mom and I went for a pedicure on Friday, then she lugged me around the Circle Center mall for like 3 hours while she debated the merits of buying sand colored Uggs versus chocoalte brown Uggs. Like I care. Then we all went to the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. I was adorable. The next day, I saw my Grandma and Grandpa M, and my Dad and I hung out during the wedding ceremony. All five of us went to the reception, and I got to spend the night in my grandparents' room. I took it pretty easy on them! Sunday, my parents and I drove home to Wisconsin, and I ate cereal for the first time. Abig weekend, to say the least.==
Here I am napping on the floor last weekend. Why was I napping on the floor? I have a million more comfy places to sleep. My crib, my swing, my bouncer, my play mat-- what gives, Mom and Dad? Lazy much? Geez.

Here I am sleeping peacefully in the sweet Monte Carlo my parents rented for the trip. I sat in my own poop for about 4 and a half hours. Cool, guys. Real cool.

Making googly eyes at my Dad at RAM.

Hanging out on the couch in our hotel room while my Mom had room service.

Trying to eat my Rookie Bear becasue mom's blueberry pancakes made me hungry, and I think I've got these sharp little things in my gums. Feels sort of like they're trying to poke little holes in my mouth. No sir, I don't like it.

Relaxing at the salon.

Dad and me trying to get some shut eye with our spa masks. Mom keeps things too bright for our taste. She kept making a joke about using the earplugs that came with the mask, and I kept thinking, "You think YOU need earplugs-- do you have any idea how loud you are?"

Sleeping at the rehearsal dinner-- told you I was adorable.

Check out my awesome new Bumbo seat that my Grandma and Grandpa gave me. Mom says I can sit up like a big boy. I say stop patronizing me, darn it.

Here's my Mom and Cathleen's little brother Andy walking down the aisle. Mom had red eye in the picture, and she couldn;t figure out how to make it go away, so she made the picture black and white, and now she can't figure out how to bring the color back. And now that stupid Justin Timberlake song is stuck in my head again. How come HE'S bringing sexy back? When was it out of style? The things that keep and infant up at night. Besides these sharp mouth doodads.

Cathleen, her mom, and her uncle walking down the aisle. What a beautiful bride!

My Mom walking back down the aisle after the wedding.

Me playing with my Grandma at the hotel while we wiated for my Mom to get done taking pictures and FEED ME.

My Grandpa is HILARIOUS! Seriously, pull his finger-- it's so funny.

Having a little snack because Mom took her sweet time. I think she was out carousing in a limo, not "Coming back as soon as I can, Harry Bear."

Look-- me and Grandma are making the same face!

Awe, I think she likes me!

Daddy and me ready to par-ty!

Me sitting at the table with Grandpa.

Here's a shot of the reception hall-- beautiful, huh?

Me, Mom, Dad, and Grandpa's finger on the dance floor.

Here we are without the finger.

Finally cuddling with the old feed bag. That's my pet name for her.

Mom and my auntie Katie eating their delicious food.

Walking to Einstein's for breakkfast on Sunday morning.

Having a quick nap on my grandma during breakfast.

Oh my gosh. You guys are going to think I am nuts, but get this: Breastmilk is not the only food substance in the world. I know, it's crazy, and I wouldn't have believed it myself until I tried a little of this stuff. I forget what it's called. I want to say sice rereal, but thats not quite right-- oh! Rice cereal. Not too shabby. The whole spoon thing is neat-o, too. It sort of feels good on these spikey things shooting out of my gums. I tell you what, life gets a little more complicated everyday. Ain't that the truth? I'm going to see Grandma and Grandpa J this weekend, so my Mom will probably do the whole "Harry and Max," "Max and Harry" thing again. Boy does that crack her up.