We started Little Gym today, and that's the name of his age group. In June, he'll be a Bird, and when he's 18 months, he'll be a Beast. He's actually a little beasty these days with the forward motion and the teething and the utter crabbiness after 4 pm. He takes his morning nap at 9:15 and his afternoon nap by 1:30, so by the time 4 o'clock rolls around, he's been up for his longest stretch of time, and he starts getting pissy. By bedtime (7), he's absolutley had it. There is much rubbing of eyes and burying of head in the carpet. We are actually trying to slowly slowly slowly move his bedtime back an hour or so because he's been waking up disgustingly early-- but his crabbiness makes that difficult.
We had a fantastic time at Little Gym, and I promise to take pictures next time-- in two weeks because we CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE next week durning Gym time.
Helping Mommy with Chapter One, "The Rhetorics of Motherhood." No seriously-- that's really what it's called.
Chillin' in the crib
I couldn't find Harry anywhere-- and then he giggled from under Ben's bathroom counter. We're gonna miss our huge bathrooms, by the way.
Swinging so he'd stay in one gosh darned place for two minutes so I could empty the dishwasher, or fold the laundry, or wash my breast pump-- you know, do something for ME.
He just looked so cute-- I had to take a pic
Playing as the sun rises-- disgustingly early, I say.
Swinging at the park-- he laughed the whole time. Not as hard, though, as he does when I do my "Bikini Body Boot Camp" workout dvd.
Enjoying some toast with banana puree, mashed banana, and cheese chunks. We're branching out with the finger foods, but we're still worried.
Cracking up at Ben
what a wonderful Thursday present..he's changing so fast...a real "little boy" not a baby..Bomma