So soon, we will be rolling in ballet flats, software that starts with i and cut-off jean shorts a-plenty for the bebe. (Because Apple and BabyGap are not quite open yet, but they COMING SOON, I am told by way of huge storefront signs and maddeningly blacked out windows that make me want to smoosh my face against them and wish for x-ray vision. Or the ability to fly because that'd be a really nice super power.) I noticed last night-- as you are probably noticing now-- that I don't go to the mall enough these days. The old me would have seen these stores coming months ago. The new me makes fabulous dissertation progress, revises articles for publication, and is much less stylish.
Speaking of which, want to know the thing I like best about my mom hair? When I tell people I have mom hair (which I can do WITHOUT WORDS), they don't even try to give me the "nuh-uh." Denial is pointless when we're talking about hair like this .
Harry is better! He slept well last night (because he could tell that we were going to literally die with exhaustion if he didn't), and look how happy he was after nap this morning:

He also had a fan-freaking-tastic time at Little Gym yesterday. And no, I am not wearing too muh makeup. It's really darn hot in there because all the babies are adorabley barefoot. And no, that is not a maternity top god forbid, although I did get a lot of sideways belly glances. And no, a cutie little ponytail does not disguise mom hair. Sadly. But look how strong the Bear is and how cute he and Josephine are standing and walking!

And I am not a paid spokesperson for Little Gym, but I totally would be if they asked, but I just want to say if you have a baby and an hour to kill every week, it's sooo fun. And you can meet moms. And I need an editior because everything starts with a conjunction and is a run-on or a fragment.
Did I tell you my mall kicks ass?