Greetings Web-Log readers,
This is Harry's dad, Sarah's Husband--Ben. I am here to tell you about my wonderful trip to Las Vegas. While I understand that this is Harry's blog and this story is not about him or Sarah, it is about me, and since I stole Sarah's password to blogger and had hours to upload pictures, I thought I would share them with you, the internet community.
This first picture is in Wisconsin on my way to the airport. This tee-pee was at a gas station I stopped at on my way. I have stopped as this tee-pee before and been in it. Sarah didn't believe. I told her all about the tee-pee I was in with a friend and she thought we were driving drunk or doing illegal substances. As I am an upstanding citizen, I assure you it was neither. Rather, I stopped at a gas station with a tee-pee and decided to go in it, and stay for about a 1/2 hour and listen to the great chief's story.

So I went to Vegas with Josh and Kyle, two of my best friends from High School. We stayed at the Luxor. It was a great time...everything you think about Vegas is true, except for Elvis, I didn't see one Elvis. I did see a polyester Elvis Jump-suite for Harry but it was $110 and that seemed a bit I was losing money by the handful...but I'll get into that later. Thats Josh and Kyle walking the strip.

That's Ceaser's...Lost some money Playing roulette there.

These next two I really like, these are of New York, New York I won betting on Boston there and playing slots...Liked NY, NY it was good to my...expensive bar though.

This is Excalibur. We spent a lot of time there...for many reason...1) because it was attached to our hotel and we were lazy. 2) because we won there. The first game of poker I played in Vegas was here. I didn't know the rules. I mean I know basic poker rules, but they don't play like I play at Rob's house (Sarah's Professor). So While I knew what I was doing I didn't pick up on the intricacies about the game. I was pissing people off too because I was winning, pretty big. I was pissing the people playing off because I was kicking their asses and I was betting wrong, betting earlier, and robbing them blind, I pissed off the dealer because I didn't know I was supposed to tip her when I won. Needless to say everyone was happy when i left the table after 45 minutes, up $200. And yes, I did tip the dealer when I left.

This is Josh and Kyle, after the first night. They were tired boys, for many reasons. One, because we were out late getting a "Vegas Tour" of the Showgirls set, and two, because my happy-ass can't sleep past 7:00 because of Harry, even if we do go to bed at 3am.

This is a butter sculpture...yulp, butter at the Excalibur breakfast buffet.

This is Josh wicked hungover waiting in line for breakfast. Kyle and I were very understanding of how tired he was and did not egg him on at all...note we were total bastards...I probably would have cried.

These next two are the Luxor. It was a pretty cool hotel. The Casino itself kinda sucked, but it was a nice hotel...we left a little early though because Paris Hilton was going to be at the nightclub LAX at the hotel bummer...because I would've loved to have me some Paris Hilton time...I'm sure we could've just talked for hours.

That's the MGM Grand, I don't know why I posted this picture. I lost money there...Josh lost money there...kyle lost money best advice...don't gamble there...I heard they put on a hell of a fight though...if your in town.

This is a picture of Me, Josh and Kyle around 2 in the afternoon...we lost a lot that second day...I was down pretty big by this point. As was kyle, so we decided to have a few cold ones.

This is a hooker Josh got...She also served us drinks and gave us some excellent - - to do advice for Vegas.

This is a wedding we actually got to be a part of, that was pretty special...for us not them.

As I have been saying, I lost...a lot, well my luck turned around when we went to the Bellagio. The others lost, but I made a fine chunk of money on roulette. I was up a little then I put down on 13 baby and won 32 to 1 odds...Nice (note* I did not bring any of those winnings home. I lost them all the rest of the night...but I did win big enough to have a fun last night in Vegas.)

The fountains where we met up after robbing the broad daylight...try that Danny Ocean...

The last night we spent in downtown was weird and creepy and had a roof...and, yes, I lost...but had a great time as the second picture might suggest...Josh won a $600 pot on poker while we were down town, which was good because Kyle and I needed help getting a taxi back to the hotel.

This me right before I left. If you notice the suit coat...classy huh? Well, try a whole suit, cuz that's what the playa' wore for two straight days in V-town--a suit--the same suit for two straight--you say stinky--I say classy.

Vegas was great...would I go back...maybe...we'll seeI really missed Sarah and Harry a lot. I think Sarah and I would have a lot of fun there...sorry HB, your Vegas will be Disney.
I hope you enjoyed...I hope we can talk again sometime.