Thursday, March 06, 2008


That's right-- my crazy pregnant self just FINISHED MY DISSERTATION: Abortion and the 'Good Mother': The Rhetoric of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1942-1973.

And as an added bonus, my last chapter finally talked about abortion, probably a good thing, considering the title.

I will post pictures of it next week when I slap on an intro and a conclusion.**

** Only partly joking. I feel like it's also my baby, so I probably will take a picture of it, and I want to see what it looks like all stacked up.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! That must feel amazing. I think this calls for ice cream. I'd love to see a picture.

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    BRILLIANT! I wish I could say I knew this would happen when you had 10 words at 9 months of age! The pediatrician thought I was imagining it.

    Well, in case he is a Harry Times reader, I would like to make the following point:
    Nyah, Nyah, Nyah! Apparently she really COULD speak and understand English that early, Dr. You-Know-Who-You-Are! And now she has completed her dissertation!
    (I am sure you are pleased that a person can get this old and still not be mature!)

  3. Anonymous9:01 PM

    You are Just like your mother, I only breed geniuses....Bomma
