Here's Jack in a rare moment-- he's not attached to me, nor is he screaming. Usually, he is one of those things. Wearing him can mean that no noise emanates from his cryhole, or it can mean that his screams are THAT MUCH CLOSER to my ear. Either way, kind of a pain in the shoulders. Also? It's kind of hard to keep the floor as clean as I'd like it to be-- I am having a hard time seeing around him, and as a result, I sometimes miss a spot and see it only when the sun is shining and I have (finally) removed the sleeping baby from his pouch and curled up on the couch. Yeah. I am kind of a psycho about cleaning these days, but it makes me feel a little calmer in the midst of all the screams to have a shiny clean house.
Also the whining. I know it's typical toddler behavior, but I think it might be enhanced by Caillou, Harry's favorite cartoon of the moment, who is a total whiny little jerk. Also, he is a bald 4 year-old, something that has always baffled me. But I just now Googled him to find his link, and I found a Caillou merchandise website-- which? Perfect for Harry's b-day-- what a find-- that explains that "Caillou" means pebble or stone, which may give insight as to why the little brat is bald. Finally! A mystery solved! Parents of toddlers rejoice!
Speaking of-- here's Harry rejoicing in the shower.