See how busy?

Jack is exhausted from all the busy, in fact.

Okay, so here's our week:
Monday-- hung out with Uncle Jon-- I have pictures, I swear
Tuesday-- I took both boys to the mall in a futile attempt to buy myself fall clothes. We all cried a little in the H&M dressing room-- me because they were so ridiculously ill-behaved, not because of the clothes. I am actually a size I can stomach, so I'll try shopping again tomorrow. By myself. Also, I think I need slightly more grown up clothes, as I am now an old woman. Also, also-- PEGGED JEANS? Really? They're not the thing for little round people, you know.
Edited to Add:Forgot the second stupidest thing I did all week! I was so stressed from my taxing day of shopping! and going to coffee shops! and signing Jack up for Little Gym! and making deli sandwiches for dinner! that I wasn't paying attention when I pulled the car into the garage, didn't pull it up far enough, and scratched the hell out of the bumper with the garage door. My brand new, only-has-123-miles-on-it car. Boo.Wednesday-- Okay seriously. Not a good day. The absolute stupidest thing I did all week: On my way out the door to take Jack to his well-baby visit, I put his car seat on the floor between the washer and the dryer so I could take clothes out of the dryer and put wet ones in. A bra fell on Jack, and he started playing with it, and I thought
Phew! Good thing he didn't burn himself on the clasp. Then I pulled his little gray hoodie out of the dryer and tossed it on his lap. He let out a horrific scream-- and now he has a huge, blistered burn in the exact shape of a zipper pull. Awesome. Then I had to go to school for a couple of hours, and Ben took Jack to work with him. I had a nasty run-in with the copy machine and some really old 3 hole-punch paper, making me late to take Harry to the zoo to play with Erica, late to meet a TA and give her some textbooks (oh my god-- so many boxes of textbooks in my office and everyday when I get to campus, there's another stack waiting for me in the mail room. It's like I have standing order with the book supplier.), late to pick Harry up from the zoo-- you get the idea. And when I got to the zoo, Erica said, "Is it true that Ben is allergic to cats?" proving that Harry is the weirdest toddler I know. He asked us for a cat 3 weeks ago, and we were like "Ew! No! Uh, I mean sorry, sweetie, Daddy is allergic to cats-- they make his eyes itch." Harry accepted this information sadly, and then he filed it away in his memory lock box and has since trotted it out a couple of odd times. Like the other day at the gym a nice old man said hi to him, and Harry replied, "Harry no get a cat! Daddy's eye itch!" Also, I didn't take a nap for the first time all summer and had a hard time keeping my eyes open past 3:30. Finished my day of A plus parenting with McDonald's for dinner.
Thursday-- Left both the kids with Jamie for practice, and Jack drank a bottle of breast milk-- yay! I decided I could conquer the copy machine and tried to make my own copies because I should be competent like that, right? Wrong. Very wrong. Was again very late. Also very sweaty. But I can now fix a paper jam, which is good because apparently, my very presence causes the paper to get stuck, as if I make the machine as nervous as it makes me.
Today, I am going to go to the gym and am maybe possibly getting dressed.
Tomorrow, I am using that stash of breast milk in the fridge, so I can go the the spa for a mani, pedi, and hair cut (which is good because my bangs totally obscure my eyes). I might also get a massage. Oh! AND I am going shopping for myself by myself. Heaven. I guess pumping is not as bad as I thought! Except, you know, that it totally sucks (ha! sucks!)

And that, Katie, is why I have been slacking on the blog. Blech.
As if the pictures of Harry on the potty weren't enough for this mommy blog, here are some 4 month stats and useless weight trivia: Jack weighed 14 pounds, 6 and 3/4 ounces, and he was 26 inches long. At 4 months, Harry weighed 14 pounds 7 ounces and was only 25.25 inches long. This s the second time they have weighed the exact same amount (both were 11 pounds 6 ounces at 2 months), but Jack is still way taller. Also my fears that Jack is too skinny were poo-pooed by the doctor and his nurse, who both said to hold off on solids until 6 months, which was our plan anyway because solids are a big mess. And I got a nasal spray flu vaccine-- way better than a shot, huh?