Seriously, how awesome is the Hipstamatic iPhone app? It makes all my pictures look cool.
This week has FLOWN by for me precisely because I have spent the whole time trying to savor some significant moments. Harry had his last days of school this week-- his MWF class at the school he's attended for 2 years and his TR class at the odd little school he went to this year. Not only am I sad about the end of my alone time with Jack (and I am really sad about that. I get alone time with Harry everyday while jack naps, but the only time I ever got t hang out with just Jack was when Harry was at school), I am totally freaked out that they don't have school again until September 7th. That's a long time from now.
I don't know if I have mentioned recently how much I love my job. I love my job. Every second I spend at work is a delightful one. I love what I do, and I am still excited about my research, and my office could use a coat of paint, a new bookshelf and a couch, but I love it, too. I. Love. My. Job. BUT, I don't have a ton of summer childcare because our beloved sitter is leaving soon, and this causes me lots and lots of stress. it is one thing to balance work and life with good, reliable help, but it is impossible to keep all those balls in the air without lots of dedicated childcare. I have some time to prep fro fall while I teach this summer and before Jamie leaves. But I know there will be last-minute stuff I need to do in August when I have no sitter, and I am already stressed about it in May (which, now that I type that, seems stupid).
My goals for this summer are to have fun with my kids. Join a pool. Lose 4 pounds. Write an essay. Revise another essay. Download more iPad apps.
How about you? Tell me your vacay plans!
I plan to have a baby. And that pretty much takes care of my ENTIRE summer. As in, I will have no summer, at all--but then again I will have a teeny tiny baby that smells super yummy! Love the hipstamatic pics...which lens do you typically use?
ReplyDeleteI plan to lose 4lbs, too. And then another 4, and another 4 and another 4, etc. LOL
ReplyDeleteEthan's school doesn't get out until 6/11 and then he starts summer camp a week later, 3 days a week. But we are heading back East for a week in August and I'd love for us to take a couple of long weekend trips to some national parks (Yosemite, etc) since we now live out here on the west coast.
Love the hipstamatic! which lenses do you use?
I wish we lived in your area; you could totally drop the boys off at our place when you needed to work.
Sell a house, pay off some bills, buy a house, move, have a baby, lose about 50 pounds (okay, I have no idea how much I'll have to lose)... And of those, the only one that will be accomplished is having the baby. The weight will come off, but probably during the fall. :)
ReplyDeleteWe are going camping! We were going to go to some of the national parks in the area, but they are still under FEET of snow (like more than one foot), so we're scrapping that this year since I do not think camping and freezing sounds fun. I'm thinking beach camping instead. And near things like Starbucks since I'm sure I'll forget to pack important things with all the kid-related distractions!
ReplyDeleteOur plans include lots of trips to the spray ground, a crazy road trip involving a 17 hour drive to the inlaws, 12 hours to friends, 5 hours to a mission trip(VBS) and then 3 hours home. Follow that by a visit from my parents the following weekend, and one more VBS. Personally I hope to keep up the walking and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of the summer.
ReplyDeleteOh, and not go crazy teaching three sections when I have only taught two the last 2.5 years!