Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blragh: Foiled at the Pool

Harry has a playdate this morning, so I asked this guy

what he wanted to do. He said go to the pool "only us" because he wanted to jump in. I slithered into a maternity suit and crammed his feet into his Tevas faster than you could say hysterical temper tantrum, and we ran to the Y only to find that the pool is closed for the day due to chemical imbalance. Fudge.
Randomly, here is my lovely and delicious birthday cake:

My cute new Cubs shirt

And Harry helping me blow out the candles

Also? Bridesmaids was hilarious. I laughed until I cried at 2 separate points in the movie. But, it was reaaaaaaly long. Still, we loved it!


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Maybe he just wants alone time with Mommy, and is even willing to go to the pool to be with you...Bomma

  2. Darn it now I want some cake. Happy birthday! You look great!

  3. mmmm....cake....

    bummer about the pool being closed, but that is a great step forward that he wanted to go!!!

  4. The pool thing is just funny. I wonder if he somehow "knew" it wasn't going to work to go swimming... Hopefully it is a positive step though!
