Anyway, we had a lovely day yesterday. We planned to clean the house for today's Open House, but it was just too darn nice. Instead, we went downtown for our first produce paradise of the season and had fewer balloon mishaps than usual. Sure, Harry's popped on blade of sharp grass while I stood in line at a smoothie shack (sharp grass? wtf?), but he got a new one at lunch, and Jack kept his tied to his belt loop all day, so it floated above him like a thought bubble.

Smoothies for all (but not me. I have lived here for like 8 years, and I still can't totally trust the portable food huts. It's crazy, I know).
Jack's balloon came in handy because he is totally a runner.

Also, as an aside, Jack has been completely potty trained for over 2 weeks, and he almost never has accidents and wakes up dry. About a week and a half ago, though, he pooped his pants at Target because he did not recognize signs of urgency fast enough. He was really bummed about the whole thing (even though I had pants, undies, toddler wipes and a plastic bag in my bag and it was easy peasy). Now? If we are out and about, he claims to have to poop at least 5 times and will not pass gas without being seated on a toilet, which was really hard yesterday because our fascist governor has closed most entrances to the Capitol and there's a bit of a line to get inside, so there's a shortage of public restrooms. We kept squeezing into coffee shops and restaurants so Jack could fart.
Instead of joining the throngs of slow-moving shoppers around the capitol, we walked the opposite direction on the grass, and Ben darted through the crowd to grab things like the best spinach ever and green onions the size of my forearm.
As an added bonus, it was Cows on the Concourse, an event where local dairy farmers bring their cows. To the concourse. It's fun, and we met a dairy beauty queen, who gave us free tickets to the State Fair. In mid-August. Which should be the best time ever to waddle around the fairgrounds.
Jack came home and contined his car nap on Harry's bed, thought bubble and all.

Harry and I went to the pool where I appear to have gotten tan through my UPF 50 RASHGUARD-- WTF? Then Ben marinated chicken in raspberry vinegar (my brother manages a speciality oil store in town, and that's what he gave me for my b-day-- a collection of delicious vinegars which make us feel like we know how to cook) and grilled it for our fresh farmers' market salads with spinach, onions, and a variety of berries. We ate it with a huge, round loaf of fresh-baked cheese bread. Yum.
We stalked our new house on the way home yesterday and discovered that the only road that goes straight into our subdivision is closed from next week through August 31. Neat. We also found a 15-minute road-construction detour. Hello, summer.
So enjoyed your tale of Saturday..moving should be an experience with the road closed...and your menu sounded wonderful..We had salami slices and challah and fruit (watermelon and bing cherries) with some York pieces too....Bomma
ReplyDeleteThe picture of Jack sleeping with his thought bubble is adorable!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like the perfect day!
ReplyDeleteThe balloon bubble sounds like a great idea! Maybe I woudln't loose AJU6 in the stores that way (we have gone to the backpack for now, but he isn't a fan).
ReplyDeleteAnd at least you were in the Prius and not the minivan - then you would be so "different" than everyone else :)
Sounds like a fun (and inexpensive) day though!
We're in for the State Fair trip -- let me know which 95,000 degree day you want to go of that stupid stretch in August. I dream year-round of the SF cream puffs.
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud that you had to duck into cafes for farting purposes. Also, that could be a new rallying cry "Walker won't let my kid poop."
Sounds like Northern California (minus the fascist governor--ours are just adultering pigs). I think I'm in violation of some sort of residency law b/c I've been here for 3 years now & I don't yet own a Prius or my own Etsy shop.
ReplyDeleteCows on the Concourse sounds fantastic! Would love that!
Love Jack's nap-time thought bubble.