Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jack's birthday again!

The final phase of Operation 4th Birthday was Jack's class party at the Little Gym.

We let Harry bring a friend, which was a total genius move on our part because the only time he was jerky was after her dad picked her up. She said the party was the most fun she's ever had, which was sweet. A mom in Jack's LG gymnastics class said she just got back from Dubai and there's a Little Gym there EXACTLY like the one in our town. I used to think a library was the only place I'd feel completely at home anywhere in the world, but now I can add the big! red! mat! to that list.

1 comment:

  1. Tripod9:05 AM

    I love it! happy Birthday, Jack! I used to think of parties that lasted 3 days as the stuff of fairy tales and college frats. Now I know better!
