But this is not about me and my baby weight. Thankfully.
We went to Des Moines last weekend to see my grandma (who comments faithfully here as Bomma) be honored as a Playhouse Legend by the Des Moines Community Playhouse. You can read all about it here. It was so cool! I have been watching Bomma in plays for years, and it was great to see her get recognition for being a wonderful actress. Her old next door neighbor Peter Hedges wrote a beautiful letter (my favorite part was when he said he still didn't feel comfortable using her first name and called her Mrs. Silverstein), and she got a tremendous standing ovation. Then we went to Noah's, a favorite restaurant since my mom was a little kid. We had a lovely time.

Usually when we stay in hotels, we put all the kids to bed in the bedroom, meaning Harry and Jack get a king-size bed, and Ben and I huddle on the fold-out couch in the living room. This time, we took the bed, and the kids got the couch, and they complained that the hotel had small suites. Ha! They did love room service and the pool. It is so tough to be them.

We had a terrible ride home, culminating in a horrific potty accident that required us to do unspeakable things with baby wipes and plastic bags in the parking lot of Menards. Makes me really happy to be embarking on an 18-hour drive pretty soon. Yum.
I had tons more pictures, but my computer sucks and is so, so painfully slow that I can't upload them, which is why my family picture blog is bunk. New computer soon, but I can't decide MacBook Pro or Air?