Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, Random Sunday

  • As soon as it got cold here (and it's officially freaking freezing), I realized that I need to wear boots everyday and immediately ordered 2 more pairs of skinny jeans from Old Navy even though I swore I was not going to buy any more maternity clothes because it's basically like throwing money away because I will never be pregnant again after March.
  • Instead of buying each other Chrismukkah presents this year, Ben and I splurged on family pictures, and we met with the photographer today to order our package and view the proofs.  I was worried because I am such a fat pile of fat, but we got some excellent pictures-- mostly of the kids and I have a double chin even when I am looking up, but still-- great pics.  We got all the digital images, and I cannot wait to share!
  • Leftovers that we ate tonight were worth cooking a big meal for.  I especially like when everything is a little bit cold and all swirled on the plate together with some cranberry orange relish to kind of unite all the flavors.  
  • Turkey on sour dough with swiss, cranberry orange relish, mayo, mustard, red onion, and lettuce is the best sandwich ever.  No joke.
  • Cleaning up leftovers is more of a pain in the butt than cleaning up the full meal, I think because so many things needed new containers.  (The sweet potatoes will be the first to be eaten completely, followed closely by the stuffing). 
  •  I thought the above picture might have to be our Chrismukkah card shot if the pro-pics were bad, but I think we might possibly be in the clear (although I need to get the edited files and actually create the damn card, so I might be speaking too soon).


  1. That's the absolute best family holiday picture ever!!

  2. That would make great holiday card. I am going to try your sandwich soon because that sounds amazeballs.
