Sunday, June 09, 2013

Harry's family birthday party and a million other random pictures

As usual, Blogger has uploaded my pictures in completely ridiculous random order because it hates me.

I should be grading my online classes and prepping for a meeting Dorothy and I have tomorrow afternoon, so I am not going to mess with reordering them.

Instead, I present 26 pictures of Harry's family birthday party and 26 or so other random pictures from my phone.

(My parents and Ben and I went out after the party to the restaurant at our pool, and we walked there classy style through the golf course because we wanted to have a few beers.  Apparently a few beers (3) is about 1.5 beers too many for me because I have had a splitting headache and been bitchier than usual ALL DAY)

Harry, by the way, has 4 celebrations in all.  This first one was just for him and his cousins, siblings, and grandparents.  He will also celebrate with a special day at school.  Then we'll kick off the first day of summer break with a Harry-centric day at home, and finally, he is having a big bowling party with his soccer team and first grade this weekend.  Phew!

So excited to eat outside

Vehemently saying something

They really can't just hold still and smile

See what I mean?

No matter how nicely I ask


Bouncy mayhem


Dorothy and her aunt

Demonstrating the balloon race

Like 10 days ago at the pool

Dorothy is so big

Dressed up for a bowling birthday for one of his classmates

Dorothy loves the pool!

Photo op at the grocery store.  If we're going to spend a million dollars on special snowflake food every week, we might as well have fun, right?

More grocery photos.

I made book worms for Harry's classroom author celebration.  I know that antennae aren't for worms, but without antennae, they were just Rice Krispie dicks.

She was especially adorable on a morning walk

He does his own hair now

Fat baby

the socks!

He likes to smell my makeup and wear my shower cap.

Harry and I saw Wicked last week.  We surprised him with the tickets and a "fancy" new outfit.

Random morning shot

It was SO COLD here last week-- winter hats for the baby and coats for the boys.

Brotherly Costco love

Happy baby

We had so much fun out to dinner with all the kids-- that never happens.

Every time Jack uses my phone, he takes at least one selfie

Harry did a magic act at the school talent show and was FANTASTIC-- Ben and I were so nervous!  He was one of 3 solo acts-- the rest were all group numbers, and he was one of 2 first grade acts.  He's a natural in front of the crowd.

Red head.

Back to the birthday party!  A grandma nap

Pin the tail on the donkey

Usually he only gets a sucker to bribe him into the chair for a hair cut.  This one made his afternoon

Balloon race

I fell in love with this Gymboree sailor dress and sweater and hit up my favorite bow store for a subtle accessory

With grandma

Talking to grandpa

She likes a good foot rub

Harry and Max squeezing into the 'Stang

Harry loves nothing more than opening presents

SO many chemicals

Very serious about blowing out his candle

I overdid it on the kabobs. This is how many I have left right now after serving them at the party and again for breakfast with my parents.

Cooper ate the frosting off the last 2 cupcakes tonight after dinner.

Jack is SUCH a cheeseball

Dorothy and grandparents


Aaand, we're full circle with the bounce house.
Ok, back to work I go.


  1. Don't you love family backyard parties? So fun. The kids look great! Yay for summer, except--what's with your weather?

  2. I love Harry with that paper fan--so dramatic! So many fantastic pictures! Pedro and I were so nervous for Ethan's play as well--but he was so comfortable on stage, it never occurred to him to be nervous at all! Ethan's starting to do his own hair, too. Which is great, except neither of us know what to do with his incredibly short hair. LOL

  3. The pictures are adorable! Happy birthday Harry!

  4. Anonymous1:58 AM

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