Saturday, May 23, 2015

ANOTER catch up post? LAME, huh?

When I woke up this morning, I thought I might die from my hangover.

Then I realized the house still smelled like backyard bonfire blowing in through the windows.

And finally, I noticed that my ridiculous arms and chest sunburn was still bright pink.

An excellent start to the day.

Not nearly as excellent, though, as Dorothy found Tuesday's after school cookies.  Tuesday was also notable because we went to the bar after PTO.
 We got to see sweet baby on Wednesday
 And spend plenty of time hanging out at home
 Then I went BACK to the bar for wine club on Wednesday after first hitting up my favorite nail salon that serves wine for pre-pool-opening pedicures with some friends

 Brief break in all the drinking for a lovely Thursday.
 On Friday, a fellow-PTO mom friend and I ran the PTO-lunch-with-teacher auction prize lunch hour.  Which was really about 2.5 hours.  That we spent serving sandwiches in a room that smelled like onions because the sandwich shop delivered a VAT of them on the side.
 Then we went to the bar AGAIN for our own lunch, which is where I got the raging farmers tan/sunburn.  (That's a beef stick in my drink)
 Jack was dressed up because he won be-the-principal-for-a-half-day in the auction a couple months ago.  I don;t know why he was on the counter.
 My sunburn.
 Friday night, we made a bonfire and had some friends over for even more drinks and s'mores.
 Just a small fire.
 I wanted to join Beatrix on the deck this morning, but instead, Ben and Harry went to lacrosse, and I took the other 3 to the zoo where a new arctic exhibit just opened.
 The kids love every zoo photo opp

 Ben and Harry met us for zoo lunch

 And a quick ride on the merry-go-round

 They were bored of animals and wanted to go to the pool but found a few minutes for statues.

 Jack was cracking himself up because he was between the lions-- Between the Lions is his favorite show to watch at school.
 Harry and I walked to the pool, so I could get steps on my Fitbit, but then Ben took the pool bag-- with my Fitbit inside it-- home and I walked home but got no step credit so I binged on pizza and Oreos because I figured fuck it.
 Dorothy LOVED the pool even though she got burned on the top of her sweet head.
 Oh, Jack.

 Dorothy passed out waiting for the pizza.
I need to figure out how to have wicked fun this summer-- because OMG this last week has been so fun--without drinking everyday or blowing my calorie budget.  Not sure if that's possible!

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