Friday, November 18, 2016

Boy scouts and gift wrap. SO EXCITING.

 How adorable is Jack getting his community service belt loop last night?  So adorable, of course.

Ben went full Clark Griswold last night:
 We had such a shitty morning-- I threw the first foods I could find-- leftover pork chop, cold basil/garlic butter carrots. and handful of pantry snacks-- into their lunch boxes as the tardy bell was ringing across the street.  Even the little kids were late to preschool, and I almost always get them there on time because I only get 3 short hours.
 It was 65 when I picked the little kids up, so I brought lunch and took them to a park.  And good thing I did because now it is 30 and windy.
 I forgot to buy wrapping paper or a gift bag for a bday gift for Cooper's friend, so Dorothy and Cooper made their own wrap-- a time filler and money saver-- I am doing this again for sure.


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