Yesterday was not the world's longest day because it marked the end of DST and we set our clocks back (although, that, too). No, it was the world's longest day because Ben was at an 8-hour hockey coach training, and all the kids and I were at loose ends.
Fortunately, we had plans to see Trolls with friends-- which was GREAT. And we hit up 3 parks we've never been to before (or haven't been to in at least a couple of the kids' lifetimes. And you know what? I had a really fun day.
Color me surprised.
We left the house at 8:30 because both Harry and Cooper had hockey. This was the amount of crap I had to cram in my purse to sustain us all day:
I love that Harry and Coop wore matching under-hockey clothes
He's getting SO BIG:
McDonalds for lunch because I am a MOTY
(and because Happy Meals have Troll toys)
Which Dorothy loves
Such a little adventurer
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