Every night when we tuck Dorothy and Cooper into bed, Cooper's room is neat and tidy (and so is Dorothy's next door). And every morning when they burst out of their room at SEVEN ZERO ZERO (which is actually 7:16 because we set the clock back because we just need a few more minutes to do all of the things), the room is a TOTAL DISASTER. Gah.
I was sitting at the kitchen island grading for my online class, and I looked up and noticed all of the boys playing poker. It was so totally adorable that I abandoned my work and immediately taught them to play euchre with the caveat that they have to play with me whenever want to. Cooper was the very best at it, but then his partner (harrison) asked for his best card to go alone (which he should not have done, by the way, because he did NOT have the cards), and Cooper sobbed. Six-year-olds, man.Cooper, writing another scary apocalyptic robot book.
Madison Moms Blog team pics sneak peek. I am such a wallflower.
These days are the sweetest days of the whole year. The kids are still in school but I don't have any taxing work to do, and the lilacs are blooming. Summer is ready to unfurl before us-- the pool opens on Saturday, if you can believe that--and we are all feeling that particular anticipatory buzz, ready for lazy days and vacation, mountains and the ocean and a lot of doing nothing.
Hooray! Glad you have a moment to pause.