Wednesday, September 04, 2019

A blog entry in bullet points and pictures

  • Whole30 Day 2: Last night I dreamed about pizza.  Smelling it.  CHEWING IT.  Just sitting at a table with a bite of it in my mouth.  I woke up kind of sad, to tell you the truth.

  • Everyone claims to have had a great first day, and both Harry and Jack started new activities after school and really liked them.

  • My Google calendar makes me want to barf, and I just answered a Doodle poll with tons of 7am meeting options.

  • My class stats today, and I am really nervous about it.  I worked REALLY HARD on this class all last year because creating a new large lecture class is haaaaaaaard.  I seldom work really hard on things because I am worried about failing, but I went all out on this one, hence the nerves.

  • Yesterday, Harrison had the day off, so I took him shopping for a first day of school outfit, and he can shop at American Eagle now, and I AM SO OLD.  (Also, I need glasses to see my computer screen and different glasses to drive my car, and I think I am getting bifocals and it's all just so real).

  • Dorothy's teacher sent a link to a video from Dorothy's kindergarten class last year-- a 12-minute picture montage set to sweet music, and I cried and cried.  Kindergarten is over for us, and it all went so fast.  The days are long, but the years are short.

Look at what a selfless giver I am-- on the Whole30 and still filling Humpty Dumpty with perfect cookies.  (Note: I baked these on Whole30 eve and ate the hell out of the dough and also tested them and THEY ARE AWESOME,  Recipe H E R E
 YAY to a successful first day of school for 75% of the kids!
 We were early for soccer (unheard of!) and had the most amazing night at a park.  PERFECT weather and no bugs.
 I made T H I S chili for dinner tonight (prepped it at 9:30 pm like the martyr I am) and added fresh basil because my kitchen window plant is a monster. It smelled almost as good as pizza.

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