Wednesday, February 17, 2021

6 month check up

 We left the house today for Minnie's 6-month appointment!

She is 16 pounds, 2 ounces (heavier than Harry and Dorthy, but slightly smaller than Jack and Cooper were at that age-- but we are talking ONE POUND from my smallest baby to my largest) and 26.5 inches long (tied with Harry and Dorothy and slightly smaller than Jack --27.25-- and Cooper-- 27.5). That's totally fascinating to me. 

She rolls both ways, eats purees, sits up on her own, laugh, squeals, makes vowel sounds, recognizes her name, moves objects from hand to hand-- she''s perfect.

Also! We have a new rule: If you make a mess of the baby feeding her lunch, YOU bathe her -- cough cough-- Harry -- cough cough.


  1. Love the matching outfits!

  2. Love the matching outfits!

  3. Love the matching outfits!

  4. Love the matching outfits!

  5. Why did this comment 4 times?
