Sunday, October 03, 2021

Weekend recharge

 I feel like maybe I can handle another week of the insanity that is our fall semester thanks to a lovely weekend. Ben was a perfect partner this weekend and did all of the heavy lifting with the children and the various sports ball, and I had time to READ and listen to books and clean and prepare for the week ahead and it was great.

This week, I am looking forward to 

  • trying this casserole (I am SUCH a Midwest mom)
  • experimenting with hairstyles for Minnie
  • embarrassing the heck out of Harry while taking homecoming pictures
  • getting my October Book of the Month box
  • seeing Jack get his first Stitch Fix (I am just charmed that he even wanted one)
  • Baking something delicious with the blueberries I have in my fridge
  • Watching "LulaRich" without falling asleep on the couch (LOL)
This week, I am going to
  • use my planner
  • drink a ton of water
  • pack myself a vegetable-heavy lunch
  • remember to use sheet masks
  • get dressed before I take Jack to school
  • breathe when my watch suggests it
To get the week off to a good start, I got ahead of myself with the embarrassing homecoming pics #BestMomEvar


  1. Such a great list! And I love the Homecoming picture! We were all set to go buy Eli's suit and then someone made some questionable life choices and I decided to hold off on the investment until I was REALLY sure he could attend. But I legit cannot wait. And I love the slides :)

  2. How was the teriyaki chicken casserole?
