Monday, July 18, 2022

A Dorothy-Centric Weekend with Plenty of Other Sports Because OF COURSE.

REven by our busy standards, this weekend was … a lot. And! The funniest part was that because Ben wasn’t coaching and we could parent the whole thing together, I considered it a pretty light weekend (laughing and crying emojis here). 

We started or extremely sporty weekend on Friday with a dive meet for Cooper and Jack. We woke up early Saturday for a swim meet for Dorothy and Cooper and followed that with a softball playoff game for Dorothy and the first meeting of Dorothy and Cooper’s banned book club. Sunday, we kicked things off bright and early with a dive clinic for Cooper and Jack, dealt with groceries (a delivery and a pick up), took Dorothy to water ballet dress rehearsal, and picked her up early so she could play in her softball league championship game. We ended the night with the pool’s water ballet performance. Phew!!

Coop set another pool record and got many 7’s on his dives— a red letter meet for sure.

Jack also dove well, OF COURSE. It is so fun to watch him do the sport he loves, and he gets major credit for making our whole family dive fans.

Swim meet Saturday! Coop has been raking in the blue ribbons with both hands all season, but this is Dorothy’s first year swimming 50 yards (2 pool lengths) as opposed to 25, and she finally got ribbons! Her medley relay took 3rd, and her freestyle relay took 5th. Yay Dorothy!!

Look at him go!!

Dorothy told me at her game that she got a trophy either way because her team won the regular season, and she was right!

But they also advanced to the championship game, meaning MOAR SOFTBALL on Sunday.

Before the game, Dorothy hit the pool for water ballet dress rehearsal (and then she played softball in a full face of makeup)
Dorothy scored 2 runs and batted in 3, and her team won the title 20-17. So fun to watch! Jack umped. Minnie enjoyed a picnic and the playground, and Coop hung with all the other baseball bros there to watch their softball sisters.

We capped the weekend off with WATER BALLET. Dorothy had an absolutely blast and enjoyed a little solo in her group dance. It was truly adorable- if your pool has water ballet, have your kids do it. Too cute.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously so impressed with your family! Your kids look so happy and engaged in all their activities. I'm sure everyone has their moments, of course, but you should be so proud of how enthusiastically everyone gets involved with such a range of sports and other extracurriculars. Gold stars to everyone!
