Minnie is approaching the toddler golden age, where she is still a little squishy baby, but she is also a fully functional (well, expect that she still wears diapers) person who walks and talks and has opinions that she is happy to share. THIS STAGE is why I have 5 kids— it’s just intoxicatingly perfect.
Sleeping weather is on point right now, but I am going to miss sunny afternoons and going outside without our coats
SIDEKICK:On Wednesday, I surprised Dorothy and Cooper by picking them up early from school… SO WE COULD ALL GET FLU SHOTS. LOL LOL LOL They loved it.
I love this weather, but also - having to always remember a coat is a bit of a bummer. We're in a great stage now where I TAKE a coat, but often don't need to WEAR the coat. But I know my days are numbered and then it will be winter for approximately forever...