Friday, June 09, 2023

5 on a Friday: Utterly Random

 1. Is anyone else clutter-blind to their own stuff? Like, I don’t let anyone leave anything anywhere (except the laundry room, which we come into from the garage and serves as a room-sized junk drawer), but THIS IS ALL MY JUNK:

2. Before I got in the shower, I asked Ben to start a Costco list so I could Instacart some things for our busy end-of-the-week. His parents are in town for Coop’s big dive meet, and we needed some stuff on hand for lunches, etc. He handed me his list when I joined him on the couch, and this was it. But what else do you need for 4 adults and 5 kids, really?

3. 420 water balloons are on my regular summer grocery list.

4. After dive practice the other night, Cooper ate 2 GIANT pieces of pizza, 2 bread sticks, and 2 bags of puppy chow (which is a very random dessert for a pizza place to sell). I have never seen him eat that much in his entire life— he’s a real tween now.

5. Future Badger????? I hope at least 1/5 of the kids comes to my campus.


  1. Hahaha - that list. Hilarious!

    I feel like I'm not clutter blind to anyone's stuff - my own included - in our own house. But I don't see clutter at all in other people's house (I mean, I notice it if it's a crazy level of stuff, but even then it doesn't phase me).

    And I haven't used water balloons in years; I should grab a (small!) pack for the kids this summer. They'd love that.

    1. It;s true-- I don't notice it at all at other people's houses. It just registers as what the place looks like-- no judgment

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm tough on clutter, with some caveats: (1) I am partial to artfully arranged chaos (like piles of books or overflowing planters wouldn't faze me at all) and (2) I have some established staging areas (like at the foot of the stairs for stuff needing to be taken upstairs, by the entry bench to go in the car, etc.).

    1. I need another staging area for others... will think on this one.

  4. I'm not clutter blind but would say I am clutter tolerant, especially since having kids. They bring home sooo much stuff from school and it can kind of pile up on our dining room table. My husband generates the least clutter out of all of us by a landslide, though.

    When I saw your shopping list, I thought it was maybe something one of your kids came up with! Very thorough job there, Ben. ;)

  5. Haha -- the clutter blindness is funny. At first I was like, No way! I hate clutter! But if you even glance at my desk you can see that I am a master clutterer. I just don't like clutter ELSEWHERE, I guess.

    Those water balloons are such a summer staple. Although my least favorite part about them is when I have to badger the kids to pick up all the little balloon shreds... and then end up doing most of it myself.

    1. I have designated clutter places, but most of them are in drawers or closets

  6. I am absolutely NOT clutter blind and clutter really annoys me. That doesn't mean there isn't currently a stack of paperwork and greeting cards on our dining room table, but we try hard not to have stuff on surfaces that the cat can knock over. That being said, I'm absolutely blind to dirt and dust, so don't look very closely at our surfaces, okay?

    1. Sometimes I am minding my own business in a room of the house and all the sudden DUST-- it has to really tap me on the shoulder LOL

  7. Puppy chow is a ... people dessert?
    I frequently go clutter-blind, and it's usually only when we have people coming over that I suddenly come out of my daze and start wailing WHY ARE WE LIVING IN SQUALOR and throwing out the contents of the kitchen and dragging shit around. Although I'm getting less tolerant of clutter in my visual field as I get older, so every few months I go on an organizing and purging tear.

    1. also called people chow or muddy buddies

  8. Ok, seriously, you are in my head in this post. I will have clutter around for a couple of days and studiously ignore it. And then, usually about 3 minutes before I'd like to be in bed, my stupid brain latches on to said clutter and I go into *must clean up all the things* mode. Sigh.
    Also? I wish I could eat like a tween boy. The puppy chow is completely random, though.
