Monday, June 05, 2023

End of Year Ennui

 Our school year is ending with a whimper this year.

 Partially, that’s because high school requires almost nothing of parents at the end of the year, aside from attending sportsball banquets. It’s elementary school that’s a giant time suck, actually. But! The kids are over it, I think because they have been doing the very same elementary end-of-year stuff since Harry and Jack were in school. 

They opted to skip the all-school field trip to a really cool park with a splash pad and playground because they said there are no parent chaperones and the teachers get overwhelmed and scream a lot and blow lots of whistles. 

We went to Mickie’s and the children’s museum and had so much fun!

They are not into the all school picnic tomorrow, so we are doing our own adventure.

 They didn’t feel like attending the talent show (and since Cooper got in trouble for I don’t know excessive cheer and movement **shrug shrug eyeroll eyeroll** when I was there last year watching his sister. I could not blame him for wanting to skip it this year. (We went to the movies— more on that later). They are completely over dress up days THANK GOODNESS.


ALSO. TODAY is Coop’s last day of elementary school since we are skipping tomorrow (picnic), and he has his NATIONAL QUALIFYING dive tourney Wednesday-Saturday.

Baby’s first movie was The Little Mermaid, and Dorothy, Cooper, and I ADORED the movie. Minnie liked the 35 minutes of previews and commercials and the first, like 70 minutes of the film. BUT THEN SHE HAD TO GO HOME. We dropped her with Ben and sprinted back to the theater for the rest and the movie is sooooo looooong and sloooooow that we only missed once scene (the “Kiss the Girl” scene, which was a bummer because I love that song).

We went to Target for merch after the movie (the mermaid Barbie version of Ariel is sold out and on the internet for 3 times its original price, but the blue dress human version is in stock everywhere), and like a dolt, I only bought one Barbie. OF COURSE when I got home, Minnie needed one, too. BACK TO TARGET.

Minnie went full mermaid for the rest of the night (obvi she wore the suit before the nightie, but Blogger lives to destroy any semblance of narrative thread on this blog)

SAME BACK PACK and LUNCH BOX aaaaaaall of elementary school **heart eyes for durable kid gear**


  1. I've been wanting to see The Little Mermaid, but HOW LONG IS IT??? I don't have a lot of bandwidth for a long movie.
    My younger son has dental surgery on Wednesday, which means he misses his last two days of classes EVER. He still has exams though, but it's weird to think that we are all done with the school system!

  2. I heard it was a long movie. My kiddos first movie was The Grinch and I was soooo nervous, but it was short and they loved it, but I felt like I held my breath the whole time.

    How fun - I am such a Scrooge about end-of-term events - and we often make our own adventures at this time of year. I'm so glad all the pressure is off. It is a big weight of responsibility lifted when a term is over. We're almost a month away from that here in Canada - SUCH LATE FINISHES.

  3. Why. Is. A. Children's. Movie. Over. Two. Hours. Long. I have a lot of thoughts on this, DISNEY!

  4. Yup--that's really long for a kids' movie... or any movie--I know I'm flagging after 90 minutes. My kids have been too old/cool for school for a while, so I'm vicariously missing your kids' elementary days!

  5. That sounds way too long for a children's movie. I prefer 90 minutes if at all possible. I'm glad you could drop Minnie with Ben but how strange to miss so little!!

    Good luck to Coop on his big dive tourney!!

  6. I already know the results of the diving tournament, but this post reminds me that a) I want to go to the Children's museum, but without kids of my own... and b) I am not yet a Wisconsinite because I have not shopped at Woodman's (it scares the spit out of me) and I have not been to Mickie's...
