Friday, July 07, 2023

5 on a Friday: Current Loves

 1. I am unabashedly in love with my Estée Lauder night cream. I did not ADORE the jar of Lancôme Renergie night cream I have been using since March (but I do really love the day cream and am probably going to buy a new jar when this one runs out in a couple of weeks. Side note: it lasted much longer than the night cream— I had a 2.6 ounce night cream and a 1.7 ounce day cream, and the day cream is still going strong.) I was going to buy Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream on the advice of Dorothy’s dance studio owner who is gorgeous with great skin. BUT. I would rather be at the $100-150-ish price point, and that stuff is almost $300. Can you skimp on skincare at my age, though? I’m going to use a whole jar of Estée Lauder (one million powdery old ladies can’t be wrong, right?) and reevaluate. So far, my skin looks dewy and feels as soft as Minnie’s, and the cream doesn’t bother my rosacea. Meanwhile, I still use $17 eye cream, so I am feeling a new upgrade coming on.

2. I am in love with NOT HAVING a charge account at the pool after a certain child **cough cough** Cooper ** cough cough** charged ONE HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS at the snack shack in ONE SINGLE DAY. This prompted Ben and me to take a closer look at our bank statement, and we noted that two other kids who work at the pool seem to now be eating every meal there on us. So. NO MORE. If the kids want snacks, they’ll have to let us and our debit cards accompany them to POS.

3. Sparkling margarita in a can. My aunt brought these to us, and they are a four enthusiastic thumbs up, for sure.

4. Dorothy having the time of her life with Ben and her friends in Florida. Here she is at the hotel pool **heart eyes**

5. This comfy and cute Lands’ End dress that I can wear to teach AND mom.


  1. Woof, $102 at the snack shack. I would love to see the itemized bill! Lol. That's a lot of snacks!
    I have been using Neutrogena's retinol night cream and I love it. It comes with a warning "this is not for beginners" which cracks me up. It's like $50 but I think it has been working really well. It is a lot of retinol though, and I know rosacea people might not tolerate it.
    Sparkling margarita, I want.

    1. Lol “not for beginners”— I am sooo not a beginner at this. Retinol does sometimes bother me, and I worry because I am always outside before I wash my face and put on daytime sunscreen, but I might give this one a try because your skin is fab

  2. I've done your Estee Lauder and Nicole's Neutrogena. Currently, I'm on a ROC kick after I found a great deal at Costco. I feel like I constantly need to change up creams and conditioners to "surprise" my skin into better shape. Like the cream is a workout that my body could get used to. LOL

    1. I change up too! I DO feel like my skin looks great temporarily when I switch and then goes back to being all dull and wrinkled, but maybe that’s just my shopping addiction?

  3. I am Very Interested in your thoughts on the night cream! I too want dewy, toddler smooth skin please. But... I am so afraid to put anything new on my face. It is just such a disaster these days.

    The $102 at the snack shack sounds like ABSOLUTELY something my child would do with that kind of freedom. And, like, it's so nice that the kids are generous and want to make sure their friends are getting treats! But also maybe those friends can ask their own parents for a little spending money????

    1. I am 10 days in and still adoring the cream!

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Skinceuticals makes great stuff! It’s NOT cheap but it’s not AB expensive. Their eye cream and A313, a $30 retinol from a French pharmacy you don’t need a prescription to buy, are game changers for me! I’m a serial new product buyer and Skinceuticals is some of the only stuff I’ve re-purchased because it was empty, not just because I felt like buying something new lol

    1. ooooh-- I will check it out-- thanks for the rec

  5. I'm sorry - I laughed so hard at that bill! It reminds me at the scene at the end of the second Home Alone movie where you can hear the dad screaming across Central Park "Kevin you spent $962 [I can't remember the actual number] on room service."

    Oof. That's a lot of great snacks, but I can see wanting to reign it in, haha.

  6. Omg - $102 on snacks! He's living his best life obviously! Did he buy snacks for lots of friends or can he actually eat that much in snacks? I'm impressed.

    My skincare game probably needs an upgrade. I did see a derm in June for a skin check and he rx'd a retinoid cream. I mostly use beauty counter products which I've been happy with. I do not have buttery soft toddler skin, though!

    1. I need to ask my doc for retinol and use my FSA to buy it-- genius.

  7. Lolol at the snack bill. My husband's little brother lived with us a few summers to go to skating school, and I used to pack his lunch in a giant cooler, and he would still go to the snack bar and ask them to make 'the biggest sandwich possible'.
    I use a cheap retinol cream from Amazon called Maritime Naturals that a friend recommended, and a more expensive eye cream from Rodan and Fields that I bought from Eve's friends step-grandmother because I love the grandmother and she has gorgeous skin.

    1. I forgot all about rodan and fields!! I had a friend who used to sell it, and I was wild about the mascara primer or eyelash grower or whatever it was-- I will look at their skincare.

  8. $102 at the snack shack! Did he buy the damn place? :) That is... ahm, a little over the top. LOL

    1. I KNOW!! He had a couple of friends with him, and they ate lunch BUT STILL.

  9. Holy moley. $102? What were they buying, kid champagne? :)
