Friday, August 04, 2023

5 on a Friday: Assorted Superficial Loves

 1. I am doing this totally revolutionary middle -aged thing where I stop eating like my body is a trash can and eat healthy foods but also fast ones because not having time has been my number one eat-like-a-goat excuse. IT'S WONDERFUL/TERRIBLE. (I miss baking all of the things all of the time and also eating randomly off the kids' plates all day and eating so much cheese-- seriously, I was eating ALL OF THE CHEESE). But. My favorite things right now are Two Good yogurts (they use produce that would be tossed, and also they donate meals for every product sold-- and also the yogurt is delish and has almost no sugar) , mini cucumbers with Trader Joe's chili lime seasoning on them, peanut butter Cliff bars (so good with a cup of coffee on the go for breakfast), and a spinach salad with feta cheese, toasted walnut pieces, strawberries, and rotisserie chicken-- really good with raspberry vinaigrette.  Also GRAPES. Whenever I am dying for something sweet, I start with grapes (and usually end there, too). Oh! Edy's Outshine popsicles are wonderful, too. And it is amazing how satisfying veggies and salsa can be as a snack. So many flavors! So crunchy!

2. These cheapy hat hangers are awesome. I put them on the back of Harry and Jack's bedroom door and on the back of the laundry room door, and now all of the caps have places to live, and I feel so much less frustrated.

3. I went rogue on daytime face moisturizer when my Renergie ran out, and I really like (but do not love) Philosophy Miracle Worker. It was on sale at Ulta for $60, so I gave it a whirl. It goes on smoothly, and you don' need a ton. It does sort of feel like it sits on top of my skin for a while, which I don't love, but it is really gentle, and I like the texture when it settles in. I have been using Lancome serum underneath it, and the two are an excellent combo.

4. I am kind of over historical WWII fiction about lady spies (WHO KNEW THERE COULD BE SO MANY OF THESE BOOKS MY GOD), but apparently the Cold War is a similar treasure trove of girl agents, and I am not sick of it yet. Anywho, The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott was a wildly entertaining audio book if you, too, are into informers and a peak behind the iron curtain. Also this book is about propaganda in the 50s but also reads like propaganda for a new century-- so meta.

5. Target fall kid clothes. I have already bought Minnie a pumpkin-printed dress and one with ghosts, plus another dinosaur number. It's all so darling that I can't resist. I AM SO READY TO SEND THESE KIDS TO SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Anyone else?



  1. So my frustration with eating is that I generally am eating reall well and yet the scale is higher than I'd like it to be. I had my annual physical yesterday and my GP said it's because I've been on prednisone for so long (9+ months) and it's nearly impossible to avoid weight gain when on that drug. So I guess it's good to know why the weight it hanging on/creeping up but frustrating because I don't know when I will go off the med... I miss my 30-something body that could roll with the punches much better!

    I have thought about reading "The Secrets We Kept" and will now for sure read it at some point. I'm very done with WWII fiction but I am here for cold war fiction. I'm reading a book set in the US during the 50s that I think is technically YA. It's called "Last Night at the Telegraph Club." It's set in the Bay Area and focuses on the Chinese immigrant population and how terribly they were treated during the "red scare." That is a period of time I don't know much about so it's very eye opening and sad.

    1. oooh I will try it. I also really liked the YA book I Must Betray You that's set at the end of the Cold War.

  2. Your spinach salad concoction sounds delicious. My husband LOVES Two Good yogurt! We started eating it when we were on Keto a million years ago and he never stopped.

    I am 100% with you on needing to stop eating like my body is a trash can. I was doing so well for so many months! And then in-laws and home buying and prepping for selling our house and packing have just all dumped me right back into a trash can food phase. I am not a fan. I think you're right in that the key is to find non-trashy FAST things, which I find really difficult because I am piiiiccckkkyyy. Boo.

    I am both ready for school to start again (three weeks baby!!!) but also a little panicked that this summer flew by so quickly and my teeny baby is going to be in FIFTH grade. Yikes!

    1. 5th grade feels very grown up, doesn't it? I remember my own 5th grade year SO clearly, so that makes everything feel high stakes, too.

  3. One of my favourite snacks is cherry tomatoes, if they are just the right kind of ripe, they are the most delicious thing in the world. And grapes. And berries. Oh! And Boom Chicka Pop popcorn, helllloooo nurse.
    My older son is moving on campus in three weeks, which is a very weird feeling. The empty nest is starting!

    1. cherry tomatoes! yes! I bought, like, a BUCKET of them from Costco and have been eating them a ton.

  4. Right now, I'm *obligated* to eat *a lot* of every delicious (but not very healthy) thing people are making for me and I'm *craving* a nice salad!

    1. that's a wonderful obligation, tho

  5. My son's already fucked off back to NY and my daughter is going to Montreal this weekend, so I guess what I'm saying is, can I borrow Minnie for a few days?

  6. I am a weird snacker. Right now, I am loving summer fruit. Give me all the peaches and cherries and watermelon... such a short-lived season, we have to live it up! (And almonds, always almonds... no idea why but hey, it works!) Have you tried FROZEN grapes? So amazing...
