Monday, September 11, 2023

Happy 12th bday to COOPER (on 9/9)

 We had a delightful time celebrating Cooper on Saturday. In lieu of a party, Ben took him and 3 friends (plus Dorothy and a friend) to a water/amusement park a couple of weeks ago, so there was way less pressure on the big day itself.

Cooper wanted to wake up to Dairy Queen cake and presents. Then he wanted to go to a trampoline park with a buddy (and he let Dorothy and her friend go, too). He wanted to spend time playing Fortnite in the afternoon (LOL), and then he requested a fancy dinner with just me and Ben. So easy to make all of these dreams come true, plus we did a fire with s'mores Friday night to set the tone for a Cooper-centric day Saturday.

I have never used Reese’s PB cups instead of Hershey bars on my s’mores before, and I have been missing out!!

Bday morning, complete with a baby sister placing candles in the cake AND helping to blow them out. Also, can you believe that  Jack held the teeny piñata while Cooper beat it with his new hockey stick and no one got hurt??


Bonus bday hockey practice
“Fancy” dinner

Quick Blizzard (his all time fave) on the way home

And just like that (I LOOOOVE that show including every single cringe-worthy Charlotte story line), our family birthday season is over for this year, resuming in March 2024. Just in time to start Chrismukkah shopping!


  1. Awww happy birthday to him! Looks like a perfect Cooper day!

  2. Yay! Way for you to make birthday dreams come true.

  3. Happy birthday Cooper! What a perfect collection of birthday events. (I couldn't stop watching AJLT either, even though I rolled my eyes and swore I wouldn't)

  4. Happy birthday to Cooper! Looks like he loved every moment. (I'm all caught up with AJLT, BTW!)

  5. Really liked the ep with Charlotte and the dress with a belt--young people don't care about conventional body ideals and I'm here for that!

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Lisa here. I am so behind on blogs since work has been insane! So a very belated HBD to Coop! His bday sound awesome. I love that he wanted a fancy dinner out with mom and dad. You are still cool in his eyes! Score!!
