Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Random Word Wednesday: SATISFACTION

 Well, my friends, in typical impatient fashion, I DID, in fact, buy an oven based on delivery date. I AM WHO I AM, OK??

Our insurance agent said we could file a claim on a much younger appliance but because our cooktop was scarred from other non-fatal drops, we really couldn't claim it. GE DID have the replacement top... for $750.

Soooooooo, we shopped around.

The one I REALLY wanted was not available until THE END OF DECEMBER. It was a Samsung smart oven with rapid preheat and power boil.  ON DECEMBER 27-- NO THANK YOU.

Costco had a slightly less cool model (no rapid preheat or power boil) that was smart, but, ultimately, I went with a dumb oven with rapid preheat (this is genius for someone like me who usually just shoves something in the oven while the oven heats up and ends up cooking it poorly) and power boil (our old range has this feature, and it is an impatient person's dream-- giant spaghetti pot boiling in under 5 minutes). 

We decided against GE because the non-Profile model has NO FEATURES AT ALL and is basically the exact same range we have now with a ceramic top that is really hard to keep clean and scuff-free. Every other brand automatically has an airfryer setting, is a convection oven, etc. Also! The Samsung models had almost no space in the storage/warming drawer but were a cubic foot bigger INSIDE, and the one we went with is half a cubic foot bugger inside and still has storage/room to proof to my heart's content. 

SO ANYWAY. IT COMES ON THURSDAY, which is the biggest selling point.

(MORA brand because we are rolling the dice, obvi, from Costco because why not get that rebate, HERE ON THURSDAY.) (DID I MENTION IT COMES ON THURSDAY?) (Probably not the range of my dreams, but THURSDAY YOU GUYS).

In the meantime, I made turkey pot pie with the sauté function on my InstantPot, and it was DELICIOUS.

Also, everyone is sick everywhere, and I hate going out into the world— it’s like early panny all over again. Dorothy’s dance team app is a barrage of messages about sick kids. Minnie only had 4/8 friends in class the last 2 days.

She’s fine, BTW— just a cough and an upset stomach from her augmentin. She has no appetite and has to drink it in chocolate milk with MUCH cajoling. I am one illness away from saying eff it and keeping her home with me.

Oh! Speaking of satisfaction! This Trader Joe’s holiday candle is AMAZING!



  1. Whoa; That is super fast! Congratulations, and may your new stove make lots of tasty, happy meals for your lovely fam!

  2. Yay new oven! The same thing had happened to me years ago, I dropped something out of the spice cabinet - a tiny little thing bottle - and BAM.

    1. Ugh— I didn’t even really think it COULD happen, you know?

  3. Yay for finding new oven that will be here Thursday! Hooray! And I'm glad Minnie is feeling better. Poor pie.

    1. Thanks- this one has been rough

  4. We ordered a washer and dryer from Costco on a Thursday and it was delivered and installed on Saturday morning. It was amazing. Your stove is going to there before you know it. We also upgraded our Costco membership because we've spent way more there this year than I would ever have imagined!

    1. It’s genius on their part to be so prompt. I also love that the price includes EVERYTHING

  5. I totally get it! I wouldn't wait until after Christmas for a new oven either. That's insane. I'm sure this new one will be great.
    Ooh, I want that candle!

    1. The candle is SO GREAT (and only $10!!)

  6. I wish I could smell that candle, because I just got rid of a candle that even unlit gave me an instant headache and wheeze.
    THURSDAY, dumb ovens FTW. I also have a rapid boil burner and it is everything.

    1. It DOES give Ben a headache, but all candles do **eye roll**

  7. That is super fast! I totally understand shopping by delivery date. And wow, $750 to replace the glass top? Sheesh.

    Antibiotics can be so hard on kids tummies. Paul especially had a hard time with them. I had to take Taco back in yesterday - turns out he has the beginning of pnuemonia but he is a different kid after 2 doses of antibiotics. It's unbelievable. We absolutely CANNOT work with him at home so we have to put up with the illnesses that come with child care. I'm trying to work with him at home today and he would not leave me alone during a client call. I had warned the sales person that my toddler would likely bomb the zoom and to only schedule it if the client is very understanding/very nice. Luckily he was very kind and sympathetic to me having a sick kiddo at home.

    1. I would not be super successful without dedicated kid-free time BUT THE ILLNESSES! GAH!!!

  8. I want that candle.

    I would LOVE a rapid boil burner. That sounds life changing!

    1. It’s SO GREAT. It’s the one stovetop feature I didn’t want to give up. My tea kettle whistles in under 2 minutes.

  9. I'm afraid of smart appliances. I don't even want a smart car, which is tough because I don't even know if they make dumb cars anymore. Sigh. Rapid boil? I didn't even know that was a thing, but I would love for my next stove to have that feature.

    I'm sorry Minnie is feeling puny. Hope she feels all better soon. I'm committed to my mask in public, hoping to keep the cruds away, but I don't have a kid at school/childcare, so my efforts have at least some chance of success.

    Perhaps I will go to our local TJ and see if they have that candle in's definitely candle season around here.

    1. Our neighbors let their Tesla pick them up at the curb and drive them home from the pool. Now THAT scares me.

  10. Well, at least it comes on THURSDAY (which is TOMORROW) and why am I yelling? Oh yes, the excitement of hopefully timely delivery. I know a thing or two about that.

    I did not pick up that candle at TJs but now think I might need it. Yes?

    1. Yes! It has a wooden wick and makes the most delightful crackling noise

  11. Wow. I hate appliance shopping. Sounds like you are getting the right bells and whistles for your temperament. Ha. I died laughing at rapid boil for an impatient person. It sounds dreamy. I didn't even know that was a thing. I do not like waiting for an oven to preheat. Once I decide to cook something, I'm usually just squeaking by in terms of when I need it done so I can leave the house/feed my people.

    Also, dang I hear you on the sickness. We are healthy here, but the tots/baby I sit for? Stop exchanging colds and germs with one another. PLEASE.

    Also, also, I put my blog on private - hopefully not for very long, but I took other, wiser bloggers' advice, which goes without saying . . . other bloggers are going to be wiser than me. If I do it right and it actually works, I'm sending you an invite to read while not everyone can. You'll have to let me know if you feel special. ;)

  12. This is amazing to have it delivered that fast.
