Friday, June 14, 2024

5 on a Friday: HAPPY18th BIRTHDAY HARRY! (24/52)

 Harry is 18 today. That means this blog is also an adult today! A HUGE DAY YOU GUYS. I hope this blog does not spend all of its money on Lotto tickets or get drafted.

In honor of such a momentous occasion, here are 5 favorite pictures of Harry that have all graced the pages of his digital over-share of a baby book.

1. With my dad at CVS: Oh boy do I miss my dad, you guys. I only thought of him eleventy billion times graduation weekend, mostly when I was fervently wishing that we will all gather to celebrate Harry's college graduation in 4 years-- the very same group of people-- I want all of us together again. He was there, of course, in all of us-- especially Jon who Gar'd out on his Taco Bell run. HOW MANY TIMES did my dad take Ben and me through a drive through when he was our college DD (TOO MANY TO COUNT).

2.  With baby Minnie: He is a really excellent big brother, and watching him take care of his younger siblings is a joy.

3. Carrying on our love of competitive forensics and crushing it in high school competition (and getting a college scholarship to compete, although that's not pictured)

4. Winning the Little League season championship with his Coach Dad (He made the game-ending catch on third base, in fact).. Harry has always loved being on sportsball teams, and, like Ben, he has never met a sport he doesn't want to coach or provide color commentary for. His encyclopedic sports knowledge is impressive, and I love that he still loves baseball cards. He is still friends with kids from that very team, in fact, some of whom will play baseball in college. Core memory for sure.

5. This iconic shot of Harry in the PICU when he had to have his pericardial effusion drained in first grade. Speaking of core memories! Harry's weird heart thing (pretty sure that's the official diagnosis; I am a doctor, after all-- but, you know, not that kind) has made him more responsible, more resilient, and more apt to appreciate the small things.

Happy birthday, Harry!! 


  1. Happy birthday Harry! What a guy! I loved this little tribute to him - and best of luck in his new college life!

  2. It's kind of freaking me out that I have vicariously watched Harry grow up since I started reading your blog BEFORE he was even born. Holy cow. Good on you & Ben for raising such a great kid!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!!!!!! 18 is a big one!!! I love all the photos, but especially the one of him and Minnie (hee hee, she was so tiny!!!) And yes- I know how much you must have missed your dad. I have that feeling at every big occasion. It's hard, but like you said, he was there in all of you.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    This is Lisa. Happy birthday to Harry! It must have been so hard to just pick 5 fave pictures! Your pancake baby is an adult! How wild! I love the range of pics but that last one with a top hat is especially cute! I hope he had a wonderful celebration. Hugs to you, though. These big landmark celebrations really make us miss those we have lost.

  5. Happy birthday, Harry (and a big hug to you, Sarah, I can only imagine how much you miss your dad!).

  6. Happy Birthday Harry! I love the pictures, and how scary to have him go through the procedure when he was young. I was also missing my dad today (and every day) for Father's Day. Big love to you.

  7. Happy belated birthday Harry! Wow you have an EIGHTEEN year old son. Amazing.

  8. Happy birthday and birth-day to Harry and you! That pic of your dad with him made ME teary. I also have a sportsball boy and wow, does it ever add an extra dimension that I find baffling and yet marvelous.What a great start to your stellar momming career.

  9. Happy birthday to Harry! I can't believe you've had your blog for the entirety of his life, too. That's amazing!

    Hugs - it's so hard to be missing the people who should still be here during these milestones. <3

  10. Happy happy bday Harry! How great that your blog shares a bday with Harry. I am trying to envision my dad as a DD. Cannot wrap my brain around that. Taco Bell? He would have been like WHAT? I can only imagine how much you missed your dad during graduation weekend.

  11. Happy happy birthday to Harry. So excited for his next adventure. I loved this look back. The heart stuff . . . whoa, how scary that must have been. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to be missing your dad during these special events. Of course he is part of all of you.

    The pic of Harry and Mini is my fav too.
