Friday, June 28, 2024

5 on a Friday: Summer Goals 26/52

 1. When I feed the kids garbage at the pool, do it intentionally. This means I should pack fruits and veggies to eat a side dish (or at least order the veggie tray from the golf course restaurant) and account for these convenience nights when I grocery shop.

2. Make a to-do list every single day. If possible start this list the night before. This will undoubtedly help me get places on time and with less stress and also know what day of the week it is every single day- which is something most adults probably just do.

3. Read my backlog of Book of the Month books. IT IS A BIG BACK LOG, you guys.

4. Buy Harry back-to-school stuff gradually, so we are not scrambling all at once when it is time for him to move into the dorms. He already has a fridge and a bedding set, so we have started at least?!?!

5. Stay on top of pedicures/massages/acupuncture/hair appointments— all of these are easy to neglect when things get rushed, but I feel better when I do all of them regularly.

Can’t wait to check in with myself and see if I met these— pretty modest— goals. Late August, perhaps?

Here’s a bonus goal: wear a different dress each of the 27 days I teach my summer class. Here’s day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Do you have any summer goals?


  1. Survive...haha. That is my one and only goal. Huge bonus points if it ends up being fun :)

    1. The MOST IMPORTANT goal for sure!!

  2. I love all those goals, and I'm pretty impressed you have 27 summer dresses. I do not! But I do love a sundress. Of course all of mine are black so you'd think I'd branch out a bit.
    I don't really have any summer goals beyond my usual day-to-day checklist. Last summer was such a crazy time with the move that I just want to enjoy myself. That's pretty much it! ENJOY THE SUMMER!

  3. I want to slow down and savor lazy summer days. I want to be sticky with watermelon and mango juice and fall asleep in the hammock...

    1. Ooooh yes fall asleep in the hammock— ME TOOOOOOOOO! I love coconut popsicles and books in the hammock.

    2. What Maya said. Rest and use this time on ME.

    3. Love this goal! Summer is the best for a reset.

  4. Lisa’s Yarns7:38 AM

    This is Lisa. Your dresses are so cute! I love dresses year round but especially in the summer! My summer goal is to increase my mileage as I am running a 10 mile race in Sept!

    1. Love this! Maybe I need a fitness goal— it is the first thing I cut when I have a time crunch but probably the thing I should focus on the most when I feel stressed because I always feel better with endorphins.

  5. I second Elizabeth's goal: survive. Last summer the two girls had just moved in. I would not want to go back to that time when we were trying to figure them out, etc. This summer things are different because they are not new, but expecting the girls to find ways to entertain themselves and do the daily chores, etc. Well, dang it is hard.

    My goal for me is to WRITE more. Now that Reg's party is over, I am writing more. But then something else always gets overlooked/suffers. Ugh.

    I have done the run to bed bath and beyond minutes before closing to buy ALL THE COLLEGE STUFF a few days before a kid leaves for college and I don't recommend it.

    Sundresses and skorts are my fav summer wardrobe pieces. 27 dresses is a great goal. I make to do lists - mine start as a day list but end up as a week list and I cannot survive without my trusty notebook where I write down all the things I need to do. Nothing is more satisfying than crossing out everything and flipping the damn page. ;)

    1. This is a great goal. I also want to get back into regular writing, but I am still searching for the time. I keep thinking “when X happens,” but then it happens, and I am still searching for time.

  6. I love your first one. Great idea to bring healthy snacks so that everyone can have a mix of healthy and not so healthy foods together.

    I find a to do list really helpful when I am busy.

    We're all adults around here now, and none of us work in academia, so summer is pretty much the same as the rest of the year. We don't have any vacation plans this year, sadly, so my only summer goals would be to take some time off anyway, and to go to the Farmer's Market more often. We went today for the first time in awhile.

    1. YES to the farmer’s market— I almost never go to ours, but it’s always fun and delicious.

  7. Ok, ok, but seriously... do you sleep?

  8. My BOTM backlog is out of control and yet, I continue to buy more BOTM books....

  9. Summer is almost done (HOW) and also, I would like to write more. The problem with that is All The Other Things, because their number continues to increase exponentially..
    Also? I am LOVING your summer posts on IG. Thank you. :)
