Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hello from the beach

 I think this post will have fewer complaints than usual because I am writing it from bed, with the balcony doors open, listening to the ocean and watching dolphins jump in the water. I can hear my family screaming DOLPHIN every time one surfaces (at least 3– so close we can see that they are grey) from the kitchen balcony where Ben is making their breakfast. It’s pretty great.

Those are pics from last night on the beach right outside where we took the two least objectionable kids after telling Minnie the ice cream store across the street was closed (LIES) and putting her to bed at 8 pm (7pm where she is from) and telling the other two boys to fight it out among themselves, spoils to the  victor, etc (not sure what they were even fighting about but it went on all day.)

After the sun set, we sent Dorothy and Cooper upstairs with a round of ice cream concoctions for themselves and the big boys and went back to the bar for drinks and our own dessert. Vacay with bigger kids has its perks.
Salty Dog ice cream might be better than Babcock, and that is not something I say lightly, you guys.

So far we have eaten it every night.


  1. Oooooohhhhh this looks amazing. What a fabulous vacay, Sarah! We are really going all out on Summer Means Ice Cream here, and I'm not mad about it.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    This is Lisa. Taco has discovered the wonder that is Target and that is not a places I want to take him every weekend so we also lie about it being closed. It’s a white lie and everyone is better off for its telling. At least that is how I justify if. I am glad you and Ben can sneak away for some kid-free time. That is one perk of having a big family with older kids that can watch the young one! Enjoy this time away!! Looks dreamy!!

  3. Someone would have to tell me the ice cream store was closed every day because I'm here for regular ice cream on vacation!

  4. This all looks AMAZING! I was feeling too tired to go out for ice cream tonight - as my husband had suggested we do - and now I am very much regretting that decision!

  5. Not something I say lightly- made me laugh. Hooray for an awesome looking vacation spot and ESPECIALLY for older kids to serve as babysitters when needed. Hope you are having the best time.

  6. I wanna be there! Enjoy every minute!

  7. Oooh! You're on a beach vacation!!! I hope you're having an amazing time. You need some rest and relaxation after the school year!
