Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Out of sync

 I am just so READY to get into our summer rhythm, you guys!!

 The first week of break was wonky because Dorothy had a 5-day dance camp at a studio downtown, and we were still getting our diving carpool set up for Coop, so that was off kilter. 

Then the second week saw us AT THE BEEEEAAAAACH, so we missed the first real week of summer dace. 

This week is a mess because, even though I have started teaching my in-person class, dance is out of order because NATIONALS!! Is this week/weekend. AND ALSO the diving schedule is weird because national qualifiers are also this week/weekend.

Next week, dance is normal— sort of— because the 4th of July holiday throws things off a teeny bit. Same with dive. And I am teaching. But Ben is working at home slightly different days because of the holiday.

FINALLY THOUGH the week of July 8th is NORMAL. My class meets all 5 days. Ben does his usual schedule. Dance is on its regular summer schedule, as is dive. AND! Minnie starts camp at her preschool, which is going to be YUGE because right now, the older kids are in charge of her a few mornings a week while I teach.

We have 4 weeks of this schedule before my class and preschool camp and diving and swim lessons are done. Then 2 more weeks of dance only. Then I have welcome week in advance of the fall semester starting. And then! Harry moves into his dorm, and my cousin gets married (Minnie is making her flower girl debut). THEN SCHOOOOOOL.

I know it is going to fly by, especially when we hit our 7/8-8/2 sweet spot and when August slows down (before it speeds very much up), but right now? SUMMER IS KIND OF DAUNTING.

ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU CONSIDER that Coop might do a hockey camp over a weekend and might have a dive meet cross the country and is STILL on 2 baseball teams, even though his regular season is over. **cue exploding head**

I just keep thinking rhythm rhythm rhythm I need to get into a rhythm, but even this out-of-sync epoch is a rhythm, I guess. 

On Instagram, I am counting down the 82 days of summer break with a picture of the day (or a carousel of pictures some days) and a bunch of sappy hashtags because sometimes performing motherhood makes me a better mom, you know? Join me!! For us, today is 17/82.


  1. Sarah, your schedule is nuts! Wow that is a lot of things to coordinate. However, you seem to thrive when there are a lot of things to coordinate, so I just know you'll thrive this summer!

    1. SO MANY THIIIIIINGS, but most of them are really fun

  2. I agree with Nicole. You thrive with this sort of thing (I would wilt and die a quick and painful death). It sounds like a lot of very fun stuff, but I totally get your desire for rhythmn!

    1. It IS a lot, but EVERYTHING with 5 kids is a lot.

  3. It's because everyone in your family is doing great stuff, Sarah! In our laidback (less accomplished) family, this is not an issue. Would love to hear what your class is about!

    1. I am teaching public speaking (the course I direct) for incoming freshmen whop are part of academic cohorts-- it's a joy.

  4. My head is exploding just reading this. And it's wild that you feel like you can't get into the summer rhythm until 7/8 (although I totally understand why) because I feel like we are WELL into summer at this point! July4th always seems like that halfway point- but then there are people who just recently finished school. I feel like everyone is kind of out of sync with each other.

    1. I KNOW-- the 4th feels like the beginning of the end of summer

  5. Yeah, but you look effing cute juggling it all. And it's not how you feel, it's how you look! Or something.

    1. thanks! you are right-- image is everything. LOL

  6. Sarah, I read this early this morning and then did yoga and meditated on your last paragraph. It reminds me of when Catherine Newman left Babycenter, in her last post she said that she was a better parent because we, her readers, were watching. That stayed with me and really resonated (she's the whole reason I started a blog in the first place). I hope that you didn't feel weird/ judged when I wrote about momfluencers, because what I was saying is that we all kind of go in the same direction, but in a different way. I didn't have Instagram when my kids were little but that doesn't mean there wasn't crazy "competitive mothering" - it just came out in different ways. Do you know what I mean? Parenting is parenting and whatever makes a person feel and do better as a parent is 100% amazing. If that's a hashtag, then awesome. I find nothing but joy and loveliness in your IG and I hope you know that - and maybe you inspire another mom to hop in the pool or eat dinner at the snack bar and enjoy her children the way you do. So perform away, I'll be over here performing my dog/ gardening duties! xoxoxo
    PS I hope this comment makes sense.

    1. I did not feel judged at all and agree with you entirely

  7. Yes, RHYTHM. I am in Week 2 of our summer rhythm and it keeps being interrupted by Things, and I'm irritated. I just want a rhythm! But maybe I just need to somehow grow accustomed to the rhythm being irregular??? I don't like that, but it seems like The Way Things Are.

    Anyway, your sweet spot between July 8 and August sounds amazing and I hope it is smooth and wonderful and allows plenty of space for Fun Summer Things. (You seem really fantastic at fitting Fun Summer Things in around the corners, no matter what else is going on.)

    PS Thanks for the swimsuit recs!

    1. Ugh summer— love it so much, but usually it takes me a whole 82 days to settle into a routine— and this one will be OVER by then, for better or for worse.

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    This is Lisa. Summer just started for us as this is Paul’s first week of the public school summer program. I am waiting for my flight back to MSP to take off and then next week I will be home. But then I travel the next 3 weeks. So much for a quiet summer. I am trying my best to not travel in August. I haven’t had a month off from travel since late Dec/early Jan and I need it for the sake of my sanity. Taco apparently lost it on Tuesday night and we could not FaceTime because he was too upset about me being gone. So I don’t even know what rhythm is right now. And yet we have far less going on compared to your family!!

    1. I hope you get your no-travel August. Minnie is having a hard time with Ben being gone every week, too. 3 is an age of Big Feelings for sure.

  9. Exploding head indeed. From my perspective you have it all together and you are enjoying every bit of summer.. I love how active your kids are and how much everyone pitches in. I hope you start to feel the rhythm. Love the pics as usual. *also, so excited that i am at the pool and my phone has agreed to post comments here. Good times!

    1. Yay phone comments!! You know how it is— when a kid shows promise, there is incredible pressure to commit to the nth degree.

  10. How are you keeping it all straight? Honest question.
