Friday, July 12, 2024

5 on a Friday: Summer Glimmers 28/52

 1. WATER SLIDE with Minnie: She is so delighted and giggles the whole time. Yes it’s cold, but also? That slide is fast and really fun. I wish I could tell my former self that she’d ride again.

She’s also really fun to swim with generally now— LOOK AT HER GO!!


2. Glimpses of baby talk in our very conversational preschooler

3. The feeling when the house is still asleep and chilly from a night of a/c and so very quiet. It's the reason I get up so early. I love a steaming cup of coffee (coffee pot on a timer, of course) and a throw blanket and fogged up windows and a barely pink sky and Wordle through still bleary eyes.

4. Summer matinees. I love a cold, dark movie theater on a hot day. We saw Inside Out 2 and loved it. There's a line where the joy character says something like maybe Riley doesn't feel as much joy now that she's older, and Dorothy goes, "That's right." 

5. Dive meets and date nights. I forget every year how adorable the summer dive league is in Madison. We had a terrific home meet with perfect weather. Jack had a PR. Coop set a new pool record. Dorothy got scores on all her dives! Success all around.

And then! Ben and I went out to a fancy dinner and even had time to walk somewhere for a pre-dinner cocktail. I had my very fave drink in town, a spicy, fruity marg-like tequila drink called hola from the other side because it;s been on the summer menu since Adele was first super cool because that's how good it is.

Teaching Outfit 12/27:
I have only taught 12 days in the first 3 weeks of summer school because my students have 2 days off for orientation this week and had a day off for the 4th. So! 12 dresses down, and 15 to go. This H&M number is older than both girls and still going strong:


  1. Sarah, I read that linked article and was so confused because I didn't read the 2017 date! I was like, wait, Dorothy? Then everything clicked and I *may* have cried a little. I get you, girl. Who knows when the last time of anything is, seriously, WHO KNOWS. My kids are going on a road trip together today and it's empty nest all around. On the one hand, look at them going off in the world, I'm so proud. On the other...well, you know.
    I loved this post and I love all the photos but especially the one of you and Minnie. That black dress is amazing girl. I bet I would love that drink too.

    1. Thinking of so many lasts right now as college approaches **sob**

  2. Wow you guys are really summer-ing it up with your pool days, matinees and ice cream tours! It all sounds uper fun and yes- that drink looks delicious.

  3. I thought of you this week when I did a client meeting in Grand Rapids, MI because the Financial Advisor's son competed in a diving meet in Madison and I thought - surely this is the meet that Sarah's son was at! In this case, the FA's son is heading to NC State in the fall where he will dive. I asked what platform he dives from and the FA was like - wait, do you know a lot about diving? To which I had to say, um no not at all but my friend's son is a very good diver so I've learned about the sport through her. I'm always trying to connect with FA so they see me as trustworthy so thanks to you for giving me a bit of diving cred!!

    Minnie is such a great swimmer! My boys are not good swimmers unfortunately but we are working on it. Paul has made good progress this year in swimming lessons and Taco is showing more interest in the water so he'll start lessons this fall. I had this horrible experience of putting Paul in lessons when he was about 3 and then he refused to get in the water! The school tried so many different things but nothing short of throwing him in the water (which I would never do) was going to get him in the pool. Gah kids can be so stubborn!

    1. I love the diving connection!!

  4. This is a great summery post. Omg love Minnie flossing with spaghetti. Her voice is so cute. I was very nostalgic when reviewing A THE CLIPS I have ever taken while making Reg's video. The past days at the pool are so special. Man I miss those days when my biggest problems included Did I pack enough snacks? Should I skip naptime since everyone is having a blast? (Um. We skipped naptime a lot or did late naps and enjoyed hanging with wide awake kids later than normal).

    The dress is so cute. I have a few dresses that are so old but still so great. My kids will say Gosh you wore that to (event).

    1. Late bedtimes always seem great and then the next day is terrible and I swear I will never do it again BUT THEN I DO

  5. Minnie is such a fish! L loves water, R will only go in if he can feel the floor with his feet. Hopefully he will grow out of it.
    We had a date, too, went to a horror movie "Longlegs" (we both love horror movies). Nicolas Cage is in it and that was all I could think about. I wish they wouldn't have disclosed that it was Nicolas Cage.

    1. I love horror but Ben doesn’t, and I wish we both did!

  6. The slide! The diving!
    I saw Inside Out 2 with my 21yo daughter and her 21yo friends and we all loved it also.
    I want that drink, but I will content myself with my coconut tequila for now.

    1. Ooooh coconut tequila sounds awesome

  7. I love the summertime vibes! Waterslides, diving, swimming, slushy drinks, movies, all of it. And the cool of the morning, when no one else is awake? Such a perfect time of day. That's when I do my Wordle as well.

    1. Really the best time of day. And wordle makes it a real ritual

  8. I loved this post, Sarah. I read the linked article and it is just...SO SWEET. And so true! It's amazing (and devastating) how in a matter of minutes a child can go from wanting/needing us to help them with something and then never need us for that specific thing ever again.
    You really know how to squeeze all the love and fun out of summer <3

  9. I always love your summertime posts because all of that time at the pool reminds me SO MUCH of childhood. We were always at the community pool (or my grandparents' pool!) in the summer.

    Inside Out 2 was so good! Much more meaningful for older kids + adults. Dorothy's comment NOOOOOO.
