Friday, July 26, 2024

5 on a Friday: Things I want to get better at 30/52

 1. Curling my hair with a flat iron: I have made YUGE progress toward this end, but I have a long way to go. After literally YEARS of watching tutorials (don't judge-- it's hard to be lefty in these instances) THIS ONE finally did the trick. (Seriously, I spent a WHOLE SEMESTER in my office with the flat iron I keep in my desk watching one hair YouTuber after another and burning the eff out of my hair in office hours).

2. Using little pockets of time to read books and not SCROLL ON MY PHONE. (Or burn the hell out of my hair-- why not read a book during office hours, huh?)

3. Passive aggression. I mean, I have learned the art from some seriously sneaky bitches (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), but Dorothy? Has taken this midwestern state of being to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL, and I aspire to be as passive aggressive as she is. BEHOLD THIS MASTERPIECE OF A NOTE to Minnie that she left outside her door on a pile of Calico Critters. MINNIE IS ILLITERATE and THE ACTUAL INTENDED AUDIENCE OF THE NOTE had to read it aloud-- that is the best freaking part.

**chef's kiss**

4. SAVING MY DOLLARZ instead of sending them on DUMB STUFF. I have been LOVING Stephany's re-caps of her no spend month because even when you "aren't spending" money, YOU ARE SPENDING MONEY-- at least I am, and it's nice to read her account and note that living is expensive. Bah humbug. LOOK AT THIS COSTCO CART, PEOPLE.**

5. Taking advantage of free stuff to do with the kids around town. We ran into the MSCR Play on the Move van while making a random park stop the other day, and now I have big plans to find the Art Cart and the Clay on the Move van, too!

Teaching outfits 20/27 and 21/27

** Actually? I am kind of into the Costco shopping lately. I go in cycles with that place-- sometimes I am a devotee and actually shop in store like a sheep (that's where I am now) and sometimes I grumble that the whole place is a waste of time and money and never ever go and sometimes I get Instacart every week. We are BUSY right now, and some of their food is saving us. Like the giant bags of salads (I love the Caesar in the cold room in a bag and also the everything chopped and the med crunch), cheese tortellini, and a variety of non-meat burgers. Plus I can get eggs in a quantity that sustains us, and the produce generally lasts a whole week. 

Plus I found THIS DIP! It is too garlicky to be a dip IMO, but I made grilled cheeses with havarti and jarlsberg sliced cheese (from Costco) and garden tomatoes and basil on (you guessed it) Costco french bread and spread this on the bread and YOU GUYS. YES YES YES.

Any Costco faves I might otherwise miss?


  1. That sandwich sounds like a work of art. Wow.

    LOVE the note from Dorothy. I have to admit, it is so lovely that I can only guess at her hidden meaning but that is the ultimate pv skill level, right?!

    Which flat iron do you use/recommend?

    1. I have a chi for flattening because it has wide paddles that promise not to leave creases, but for curling, I just use a Revlon brand from Target.

  2. You already read so much, so colour me impressed you want to carve out even more time!!!

    I am so tired of buying and making food. Our fridge has lots of ingredients but no FOOD and the thought of making food is so not appealing right now. But, sigh, people must eat. I literally cannot imagine juggling food for SEVEN PEOPLE. I'm quite sure all my family would eat if it were that size is PB&J sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You are incredible and make so much delicious food. When can you move in and be my mom??!!!

    1. these grilled cheeses were PERFECTION

  3. That note from Dorothy is super cute. Come see me if you have questions, like Can you read this to me? Hilarious.

    We love the turkey breast from Costco. It's a big hunk of turkey wrapped in plastic - for us it is in the fridge section sort of across from the rotisserie chickens. It's super easy to put in the oven and cook it for about 55 minutes. I mash potatoes and get some cranberry sauce and a veggie and dinner is done. It works for leftovers too. We also really like the Buona at Home Italian Beef in the frozen section. I thaw the big tub of beef (two for our family) and toss it in the crockpot in the morning on warm. Buy the French buns and offer moz cheese or jardinière. So easy and a real crowd pleaser.

    1. these are great suggestions-- thank you!

  4. Look at Dorothy setting boundaries! Well done, girl! That is funny that Minnie obv cannot read it and yet it's addresses to her as if she could. Too cute.

    We have never been Costco people but we aren't feeding any army of people like you guys are! There isn't one close to us so it would be such a hassle to add that to Phil's weekend grocery shop route. But my MIL is a devotee and sings the praises of Costco. So we just have her get things for us occasionally so it's kind of a win/win.

  5. I got rid of my Costco membership because it was such a money suck and I am terrible at budgeting, but I am bitter that I can't go buy the Korean bbq pork jerky whenever I want, so who knows how long it will last?
    I also spend money on stupid stuff and scroll on my phone but reading in small pockets of time is tough for me because my hands are nearly useless. I need a Kindle, because a book or ipad are too heavy to hold other than in my chair or bed where I can prop them.

    1. Kindle is revolutionary for bedtime reading— so light! My arms don’t fall asleep! I don’t need a light!

  6. I love that note! I mean, yeah, Passive Aggressive but top skilz. I love that she made it so loving, right?

    Stephany's posts have me thinking a bit about my purchases too. And I also acknowledge that even when you don't 'spend', you spend. No cute dresses, sure, but hundreds and hundreds on food and still nothing to eat, right? I spent $80 at the grocery store (family of 3) on leftover night. Sigh.

    My big Costco purchases are: big block of Parmesan cheese, contact lense solution, splenda, and toothpaste. There are other things, but those are the big ones.

    1. YES eighty bucks on leftover night is exactly right.

  7. Thanks for the shout-out! Yeah, I don't feel like I've even SAVED a ton of money during No-Spend July so I'm like, "Where does my money go when I'm NOT on a spending freeze?!" Ahhhh!

    That garlic dip looks amazing and putting it on grilled cheese?! Game-changer!

    I use a bubble wand for curling my hair, which makes it nearly foolproof but I'm going to check out that YT video to find some new tricks!

    1. I also use that bubble wand on your rec, but I always wanted to master the flat iron curl
