Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Assaulted by summer

 I feel, like, ASSAULTED by summer 2024 sometimes. 

Like, it's fun, but also DANG there is so much happening! And it is all very loud and requires me to be awake most of every 24 hours.

So much happening EVERYWHERE-- in the NEWS, in my house, at work, at Ben's work, with my family-- EVERYWHERE. Kid activities are boiling over. College prep is sooooooo underway. I have Fall Things that I really need to handle, but Summer Things are FRONT AND CENTER. We gotta buy backpacks for 3/5 of the kids. Schools are sending supply lists. Ben and Coop head to West Virginia for USA Diving nats next week. Minnie's first ever friend bday party is soon. IT'S ALL HAPPENING.


Minnie is Very Into her old Costco winter dresses-- because it's July, so WHY NOT. Yesterday, she wore her 2022 favorite to camp LOL.

Sometimes all of the things collide and I find myself grading at the pool during swim lessons after 90 minutes in the car driving the dive carpool. 
Baseball is slowing way down, though, as the Little League season is over for us, and Coop's travel ball team is pondering a re-org to join a team franchise with pro coaches, more travel, and winter training requirements. We are hesitant to commit to more ball because he also plays club hockey and dives, but we'll probably do it because he likes baseball, and he's only 12-- too young to specialize, I think. Does anyone else have a kid who plays multiple sports at a really competitive level? When did you ask them to narrow it down? Having a tough time with this one because HE IS ONLY 12. I don't think he should have to pick yet. But also! Club sports are way different than rec sports in terms of commitment.

We had a great time last weekend watching his travel team go 4-0 and win a tourney. And we found a place nearby with excellent truffle cheese curds and bloody marys.

Not only is Coop gearing up for the end of his dive season with nationals, but Jack and Dorothy are getting ready to cap off the summer dive season with All City-- we have their last dual meet (Coop will compete, too) this Friday, and then they dive for the City meet next week. It really did fly by and was SO FUN. Jack has consistently gotten amazing scores all season and has beaten everyone except this one awesome diver at our pool. Coop is killing it, and Dorothy is getting better every week. Definitely a non-assaulting part of summer and one I am going to miss. (Minnie likes scoping out all the pools)

Zoom in to see Dorothy absolutely terrified of going off the 3 meter during warm ups
Just wait though! In LESS THAN 2 weeks, diving of all kinds will be done. We will have no baseball. Camp will be over for Minnie, and so will swim lessons. I will be done with my summer classes. (Dorothy will still have dance, but that's a 9-minute drive each way, and she's there for HOURS at a time, so it feels like a worthy drive). We wil have nothing to do. And this, too, will be something I can complain about.

Something I will not complain about? These giant cookies from Aldi that you warm up and eat gooey-- do not sleep on these!

Teaching outfits 81/27 and 19/27


  1. Your life is so incredibly busy, Sarah! I don't even know what to say other than, wow!

  2. Sounds like all the wonderful summer fun is held in place by lots of hard work... (grading at the pool sounds so noble!)

  3. Minnie's dresses are PERFECT for summer. PERFECT. I will hear no criticisms of her fashion choices.

  4. I have no idea how you juggle all of it, let alone keep track of where everyone is supposed to be. Goodness. No wonder you feel assaulted by summer.

    I agree, 12 is a little young to narrow things down to one sport, but doing so many sports at the highly competitive level seems impossible. No answers here. Our kids did swim team a different sport every season for years, but the youngest two really zeroed in on b-ball and did other things (Irish dancing/swim team/volleyball league for fun/golf for fun) until they got really serious about b-ball. Then they dropped a few things, plus they have to find time to caddy and make some dang money.

    1. it DOES seem impossible and yet...

  5. Yes, what in the world are you going to do when this all ends? Something tells me that things will still not be calm or boring in your house.
    I love that shirt- "I just hope both teams have fun." Perfect!

    1. I will DEFINITELY still complain LOL

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    This is Lisa. Your amount of activities is so dizzying for me! I can’t wrap my mind around it. I won’t be disappointed if Paul takes after me and isn’t athletic… club sports sound so intense and multiple club sports sounds impossible and like so much $$$! I think I come at this so very pragmatically, though. I think about what the end goal is and for me, it’s having an active kids that is exposed to a lot of things but isn’t going to play a college sport. So I will support their interests but we have limited bandwidth to drive kids all over the place for activities. All that said, my kids are so young so I will have to see what we decide to do when they are older. I am hoping Paul takes an interest in golf as that does not sound like an overwhelming commitment, it’s something he can do with dad and it is a great life long sport.

    1. I agree with you re: end goal. NO ONE actually is a college D1 athlete it seems.

  7. My dad coached several baseball players who went on to play professionally, and he took balance and player well-being really seriously. His advice was always to keep it fun at least until 12. It seems like now if you wait much longer, you're almost at a disadvantage if your kid is one who theoretically COULD pay for school/go pro. I'd say that if Cooper loves it, and it seems like he does, it may not be a bad idea to give the club a shot. If you do narrow it down, it sounds terrible but I think it might be worth considering where he'd be the most competitive.

  8. I have never in my life wanted to go to Costco... and then you showed me that pizza cookie and now I need to go ASAP.
