Friday, August 16, 2024

5 on a Friday: How I Have Spent my Time Now That Class Is Over (33/52)

 1. Watching the new Dance Moms reboot. Dorothy has watched the whole thing twice, but the rest of us (everyone but Harry and Minnie) are watching an episode a night, and it is a DELIGHT. I cannot wait for dance season to start so I can say things like YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR FUN. YOIU ARE HERE TO DANCE and can tell Dorothy in a fake tearful voice THAT DOESN’T EVEN GO ON A BEAUTY BLENDER when she’s being terrible to me during hair and makeup. I can’t wait for the first time she tells me she is hungry and I can tell her FIRST YOU STRETCH. THEN YOU EAT. Seriously. This show is a gem.

2. Not coloring my hair but thinking I should any day now.

3. Signing Minnie up for THE CUTEST DANCE CLASS EVER and also driving Dorothy to her LAST WEEK OF TEAM TRYOUTS!! 

(Last private of the SUMMMMMMER)

4. VOTING. Harry got to vote in his VERY FIRST ELECTION!! And WI voted NO to a MAGA power grab in the legislature! Yay! I will say, my very blue county picked the most conservative option every time in the primary, and for WI to be blue, we need to be, like, ELECTRIC blue in November.
(I came home from the (very crowded) polls and bought a yard sign right away. I wanted a snarky one (I saw a Harris Walz OBVIOUSLY sign that made me lol) but decided to go official and make a donation.)

5. Cleaning out Minnie’s dresser and closet and room to make space for new toys. Now I need to clean out the living room toys and the downstairs toy room. (I donated 3 bags of clothes, a Minnie Mouse ice cream cart, a bag of books, and a bag of toys yesterday, but there is more to divest).

Everything is dolls, dollhouse, and accessories in here now.
There are extra dolls in that storage cube by her bed that is also a nightstand LOL and doll accessories in the one on the bottom shelf (next to her Target scanner, also LOL) (Yes- that IS her changing table— still going strong(ish) as an awkward bookshelf)
We have MOAR baby beds downstairs, but 2 in her room seems fine.
This was in her closet holding all manner of random crap (I also threw away 2 bags of assorted broken junk and plain old junk), and now it is blocking her window and holding tiny dolls, Calico Critters and small dollhouse accessories
American Girl clothes and accessories, plus her beloved doll stroller
Storage cube of larger dollhouse stuff and a red bin of… totally random stuff she can’t part with.
Clearly this is a work in progress, but at least now it is easy to clean up her playing house and target scenes.

I really need to get Dorothy to go through her Barbie stuff and AG dolls and decide what Minnie can have, what we need to donate, and what is super special that she wants to save for her own kids. I think we are also going to put the giant house that’s in Dorothy’s room downstairs and replace it with a vanity table or a desk (priorities LOL). So STAY TUNED.


  1. Minnie's room looks fun and I want to play in it.

    1. I can attest-- fun to play there!

  2. What a huge and happy milestone for Harry! So what does your election sign look like?

    1. I just bought the plain old campaign website one. It doesn't ship until 9/5 **eye roll**

  3. We are prohibited from donating to campaigns because of "pay for play" rules in asset management. We can donate to my company's PAC but I don't have a strong sense for what they are doing. But hopefully we can get a free Harris/Walz sign for our yard - not that it is necessary since we live in a very blue area of Minnesota (which is basically red with the exception of the Twin Cities metro area). We voted in the primary as well but it was very quiet at our voting place.

    When the kids are at my parents the last week of August, we plan to do a major purge! I already have bags of clothes to take to goodwill but we will also get rid of some of their trucks because there ARE SO MANY. I doubt they will even notice.

  4. We did a huge toy purge during the pandemic when we were all home and Mini was able to grill Curly about stuff that she knew she would never play with/didn't need. Thanks, pandemic? How did we accumulate so many Beanie Babies? This looks like a huge project. Well done. I love that Minnie enjoys playing with her dolls so much.

    1. ha-- Cooper is very good at talking Dorothy through a purge

  5. Nice work with the toy clean out and reorganisation. I’ve been chipping away at this with my kids toys (they are 7 and 3), but my 7 year old is very attached to everything and pushes back on getting rid of things (even broken things). We have 3 big tubs just of soft toys alone! And so many baby dolls! But they really do play with them so msybe just getting things more organised is the key (your areas are looking great!)

    1. yes-- it is SO hard to get kids to part with toys.

  6. I wish we could watch Dance Moms 2.0 together! I have like 2 or 3 eps left. YES to the beauty blender line being amazing. HAHAHAHAHHA.

  7. Well done on organization! It always feels so good to shed the extras. L has a few plushies but not a lot, R has a million cars because he is R, plus each time he goes to his friend's house he comes back with a hand me down toy! New rule- he has to BRING on of his toys to Branden if he wants his friend's toy to stay at our house.

    1. Dorothy has SO MANY stuffies-- ugh

  8. Harris Walz OBVIOUSLY- ha ha. I want that one!
    Great job on all the organizing/purging. I meant to do that to do my daughter's room over the summer, and now school has started... sigh.

    1. It is SO HARD to get motivated to start

  9. OMG Harry got to vote! How exciting! What a fun milestone.

    LOVE big organization/purging projects. Although I find it very hard to gear myself up for them because they are A Lot.

  10. Meanwhile, in my very red county, I looked all those Trump voters directly in the eye when I voted no on those amendments. *sigh*

    1. So glad the no's carried the day.

  11. Yes (!) for Harry's first vote and casting a blue ballot... I do hope this wave of enthusiasm will last and carry us all to a victory in November. Fingers crossed.

  12. Oh, yay on the no to MAGA, and wow, I hope your area goes blue. Sigh. In California, I feel like my vote doesn't matter (because we're going blue no matter what). DON'T YOU WORRY, I will vote. I was lazy once and did not vote in the late 80s, probably 88 but maybe a state only election, I'm not sure. I still feel guilt, though I could not for the life of me now tell you WHAT was on that ballot.

    1. I just got a "voter report card" in the mail, and apparently, I slack on the primary elections. No more!

  13. I've been seeing way too many Trump signs around lately. It's very disheartening. And I live in a progressive part of FL! Gah.

    Organizing feels so good and organizing a kid's room even MORE. I always remember how much I loved it when my mom would organize my room for me. I've been doing a lot of organization projects this month and it feels so good!

  14. I FORGOT to turn the *#@4098 ballot over! GAH. So glad they went down in flames, as they should have.
    Also, yes. I've already obsessively re-checked my registration after getting a random mailer suggesting "someone at this address" may not be registered? (And then I realized, it was probably someone *in this apartment building*, duh...)
    Yay for purging! I'm in the mood too, but...Canvas. Sigh.
