Friday, August 30, 2024

5 on a Friday: THE NEST IS EMPTYING WHAT (35/52)


2.  Not only can Jack go get our first PSL’s of the season, but he is also committed to driving Dorothy from school to dance one night a week. THE TIMES ARE A-CHANGING.

3. The BLUE BAGS are packed and some have even been already unpacked in his dorm (you could move your stuff in early for a small fee, which is so cool when real move in happens on the way to a family wedding and you have 7 people in your car).

The pre-move move was clearly very sweaty. Also he is sharing a room smaller than Dorothy’s with a whole- ass other grown person. For 20k a year. COLLEGE IS WILD.

4. Dorothy is also growing up. No mini dances this year and some serious big kid tapping. She went to an awesome intensive in the Chicago burbs and had a blast and learned a ton.

It was really hard

5. And don’t even get me started on Minnie! Who is all of the sudden into CHAPTER BOOKS at bedtime. My heart can’t handle all of this at once.

Bonus random tidbit: saw this hat in the juniors section at Von Maur today and really missed my dad


  1. This is all so much all at once! SO MUCH CHANGE. I feel you, girl. This was me last year. xoxoxo

  2. Jack is such a sweetheart!! And WHY are college dorms so dinky?!? Look at all your amazing kids go, go, grow!

    (That hat was a sucker punch for sure. Hang in there, gworl.)

  3. When you find out how to stop time, let me know please? It's going wayyyyy too faaaaaast.

  4. Lisa’s Yarns3:27 PM

    Chapter books! Goodness! What ones is she into? Taco is not at that stage yet at all!! But he’s about 8 months younger and he’s a boy… so probably a year behind her at least. Ha.

    You have a lot going on between college move in and a family wedding with Minnie as the flower girl! Oof! College dorms are so tiny and yet it works out somehow. I lived in a college dorm freshman year and then a sorority with equally small rooms. It’s kind of wild that we had that little space for all those years!!!

  5. I remember when my daughter broke my heart a tiny bit (and the simultaneous relief I felt) by continuing to read her chapter book after I was done for the night. Wait, WHAT?

  6. Oh wow, you're dropping him off on the way to a family wedding. Sounds intense! Yes, that dorm room is tiny. When my son was a freshman, his school had a weird situation where they had more students that they could accommodate in the dorms, so the overflow (including my son) lived in a hotel for the year. At first we were mad about that, but it turned out GREAT. Hotel rooms are obviously more luxurious than dorm rooms! The downside was that he had to take a shuttle to campus, but that turned out great as well because he started getting rides from another hotel-mate with a car, and they became best friends. Anyway. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND HARRY. It will all be awesome.

  7. Hooray for dropping stuff off in advance. A family wedding while dropping off - well, I guess that'll serve as a distraction. This is a busy time of year and you are juggling a lot. So sweet to have a big bro dropping off at dance once a week. So helpful.

  8. We actually do early drop off FOR FREE because it makes everyone's life so much better in Housing than everyone trying to move in all their stuff on one day. I don't know why all schools don't do it!!

    But, yay! Look at you - the parent of a COLLEGE STUDENT.

  9. So much happening! It will be so nice to have Jack as an extra driver in the house, especially if he can help with all of the sports drop-offs/pick-ups! And, of course, for a blessed Starbucks run.


  10. OMG, it's like developmental transitions week over there. Well, it was. A few weeks ago. Sigh. Hope things are smoothing out. How many times a day are you texting Harry? :)
