Friday, August 02, 2024

5 on a Friday: Pictures that sum up life right now (plus bonus diving updates) (31/52)

 Let’s do the diving updates first, yes?

I told you on Wednesday that Coop finished 15th in 1-meter. Well, later that day he went on to finish 18th in 3-meter. Then! On Thursday, he had to start in platform prelims (he pre-qualified to the other 2 semis by finishing in the top 3 at our zone competition in Madison— we have been lucky that Madison has hosted zones the 2 years that Coop has been diving nationally because it cut out a weekend of travel), and he got a personal best score and made it to the semi-final!! Where he placed 22nd— he balked on his handstand (which is an automatic deduction of HALF— and on the retry he scored 8’s!) and had a couple of just OK dives, but even his PR would not have qualified to the final because the competition was AMAZING)

Here are a couple of fab prelim dives:

(As a comparison, last year he did not pre-qualify for any semis, and he did not make it out of any pre-lims.)

(Which might be why Ben PACKED THE CAR and, like, CHECKED OUT of their hotel on Thursday morning before the prelim round— only to UNPACK and GET A NEW ROOM when Coop made it—so supportive)

Coop might have some choices to make about what sports he plays and what his divining season looks like going forward in terms of travel, so I will, of course, write more about that here, but, for now, we are just so proud of him— that’s the TL; DR, anyway.

OK— onto the 5 for Friday randomosity!

1.  The dirtiest preschool camp pick up feet I have ever seen. Camp is over, and we have a month of nowhere to be stretching out in front of us, and I cannot wait! Bring it!

2. This is what happens when I go to Costco— all of the snacks in mega size and none of the meal ingredients. The check out dude saw my cheese and asked if I was having a party, and I was like no just snacking. BY MYSELF.

3. But-bye WORK BAG that has been waiting by my bedroom door (right under an outlet so I can plug my computer and iPad in and leave in then IN THE BAG so I don’t forget them) since EARLY JUNE. See ya in September!

4. UGH is this puzzle a metaphor more generally for life right now? MAYBE. The missing piece is self care.
5. I absolutely forgot that Cooper made his own currency during the panny, but then I found a coin under a book on a long neglected shelf. I love it so much


  1. Oh this is a Cooper post! Congratulations on those amazing wins and starting his own empire/religion + mint! Love Minnie's feet too! Vestigial toddlerhood!

    Enjoy your August, Sarah! (We'll be going back to school this month, but you've been hard at work since June, and I'm so happy you get the next month off to do summer.)

  2. I'm so happy for your August. I know you love all this fam time AND without the stress of juggling work responsibilities. I know you will squeeze every single amazing drop out of what remains of this summer and I will be hear to read all about it <3

    "The check out dude saw my cheese and asked if I was having a party, and I was like no just snacking. BY MYSELF." Okay, I chortled...a this :)

  3. Oh those dirty legs. I can so relate. Taco is just filthy most days because of that dreaded sandbox and somehow has sand in his very short hair? I don't get it. I loathe that freaking sandbox so much!

    Congrats to Cooper! What a successful competition for him!!!!

    1. OMG THE SANDBOX. We try to hit the pool right after lunch to make sure she's chlorinated LOL

  4. I think we all started making our own currency in 2020. It was a coping strategy.

    No one ever asks us if we're having a party. I guess the chickpeas and frozen chicken breasts in bulk indicate we're too boring for parties.

  5. Yay Cooper. And I had to chuckle about the Costco snacks... they have the best ones.

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    In Cooper We Trust. Adorns.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Adorbs, not adorns. LOL

  8. Big congrats to Cooper. That Diving is impressive. So exciting. I love that he had his own currency. Those are some crazy dirty feet. Enjoy the break from the work bag and all that comes with that.

  9. Well, dang. What happened to my comment. Ugh. I tried to comment while at the pool . . . so, I'm back to say - Well done, Cooper. His diving is super impressive. So exciting. I love that he created his own money. Those are some dirty feet. I think in this instance, dirty feet means tons of fun. Enjoy giving your work bag a break. You deserve it!

    1. Kelly that you are living the big kid pool life

  10. Congrats to Coop! We did something similar with the LLWS - never thought Angus's team would make it so when my sister asked if she should book off work ahead of time I scoffed at her, and then they made it and she had to do some really interesting scheduling and my name was mud.
