Thursday, August 01, 2024

July: What I Read

This was a GREAT reading month for me. I read interesting backlist titles, and I made a teeny bit of progress on my BOTM backlog-- enough that I definitely ordered an August book. MAYBE 2. (J/k— just one but a LONG one).

Next month, I will read my 6 remaining books of the month **yikes face**

Here are this month's reads, in order from worst to best:

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata: Meh. This book was like 6 hours too long. *Audio

The London Seance Society by Sarah Penner: I did not like The Lost Apothecary and I didn't like this one, either. ** Audio

Close Your Eyes by Amanda Eye Ward: While waiting for her newest book, I requested all of her old stuff on Libby. Liked this a lot. **Audio

Here After by Amy Lin: I liked this sad, spare memoir, and it was another book from my BOTM shelf. *2024

Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy: LOVE this, but you could definitely get the gist from her Instagram. **audio

Mercury by Amy Jo Burns: Solid meh on this family saga for me, even though it has all of the things I usually like a lot. It was from my BOTM shelf. **2024

The Library Book by Susan Orlean: This is really great, and I think most of you would like it a lot. **Audio

Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda: I liked this fun, quick thriller and read it at a dive meet. Satisfying bad guys for sure.*2024

Lovers and Liars by Amanda Eyre Ward: I liked this one because it was light and quick and entertaining, but it was not my favorite book by this author (that would be The Jetsetters). **2024

Whisper Network by Chandler Baker: This is a GREAT listen. I like her so much that I am reading the backlist, people. **audio

Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera: I think I am over the true crime podcast trope, you guys. But! This was well-plotted with great characters. **2024

 Terrace Story by Hilary Leichter: This is really good. If you are into magical realism and the multiverse, this is a book for you. I want to read it again and really savor the space metaphor throughout, and I really liked the haunting, longing sort of tone that was consistent across all 4 stories. I will say, though, that this book was too hard for a summer read, and I resented that a little bit. 

Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum: This was pretty terrible but also a great summer read. **2024

Same Bright Stars by Ethan Joella: I would like this more if I hadn’t already read Richard Russo, you know? Close, but no cigar. **2024

Brat by Gabriel Smith: I do not usually read books by dudes, but I think maybe I thought this was a woman because I always think Gabriel is a girl’s name and clearly need to work on my default binary thinking. BUT ANYWAY. You should read this-- it is really good. Kind of like The Guest for me in terms of watching the narrator with horror and anticipation. *2024

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle: This was delightful. I was okay with the magical realism because i expect it from this author by now. The main character had a really funny voice and made annoying mistakes that made me like her even more, and all the supporting characters were great, especially Irina who would have been even better a little bit meaner as a show don’t tell situation. **2024

(I read it on our ice cream tour)

Same as it Ever Was by Claire Lombardo: OH WOW YOU GUYS. I loved this a lot all the way through, particularly as the main character became less redeemable and the supporting characters more lovable. But then! I fell back in love with Julia and saw her future unfold in a heartbreakingly normal way during the last 6 or so pages of the book and WOW. Read this one! *2024 **Audio

Worry by Alexandra Tanner: THIS IS WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL. Sad, yes, but no one dies exactly. And so so so funny. **2024

Swan Song by Eiln Hilderbrand: OH YES YES YES YES YES YES. I am so tried of books making me cry when I don't expect it, but YES to this one. **2024

I Want You More by Swan Huntley: I loved this book! It's funny and sad and scary and the best plot/concept. You gotta read it. **2024


This month: 20 books

Audio books: 7

Real books: 13

2024 books: 13

This year: 102

Audio: 49

With my eyes: 53

Books published in 2024: 52


  1. Making a note on the Lombardo, Tanner, and Huntley for now... but SO MANY great recs. I chuckled at "real books."

    1. I loved all of those a lot. I would say Lombardo is not as well written as the other 2 but SO entertaining.

  2. I just cannot believe how many books you read in a month, Sarah. You must be a VERY fast reader!!

    I liked Good Inside and remember LOVING The Library Book when I read it (what a crazy story and about books, so clearly I AM THERE FOR IT!)

    1. listen, you can't get a phd in the humanities and be a SLOW reader.

  3. The Library Book is sooooo good. I loved the behind the scenes about how they run a huge library system. Such a perfect combo of true crime and nerdy library facts! It's one of my favorite non-fiction books.

  4. it's amazing to me that you read this much with all the other stuff you do.
    I loved Cutting Teeth by Chandler Baker. I loved Listen for the Lie, but I am nowhere near over the true crime podcast trope. I've had a couple of dude writers sneak in recently also.

    1. I am pretty much always reading or listening to a book

  5. I really liked Same as it ever was, but not as much as you did. I was impressed that a single, childless author captured the stresses of marriage + parenting so accurately! Or I should say unmarried - she does have a boyfriend. I had a solid month of reading, too, and will hopefully post my books tomorrow. Now I am reading God of the Woods and it is SO GOOD!

    1. I listened to Same as it Ever Was, and I think I would not have liked it as much reading it— the narrator covered up some of the not awesome writing (also true for Hello Beautiful IMO)

  6. I'm always impressed at your reading speed! What speed do you listen to audiobooks? I can do 1.75x and sometimes 2x (if it's a very slow narrator) but haven't been able to go beyond that!

    I loved, loved, LOVED Listen for the Lie. One of the few audiobooks I listened to straight through.
