Thursday, August 15, 2024


 FOUR! Didn’t I just find out I was pregnant, like, last week and have a pandemic baby YESTERDAY?!?! And now all of the sudden SHE IS FOUR YEARS OLD and starting 4K in the fall?

She had her first friend party (a year later than the other kids, but that’s because she only went to 3-year-old preschool, and everyone else went 2 mornings a week at 2, so this is her first time to have friends for a friend party) last weekend. She had a pool party, and when we scheduled it, we expected a hot August day. We got… 70-degrees for a high and windy **whomp whomp**. But! We also got endless sun and the pool to ourselves.

Even the beer was on theme:

Costco bday cakes are maybe the best thing about costco
Piñata chaos
Coop filled his pockets
Ben dressed to match
Dorothy and her bff were CLUTCH for present opening.
And party set up
These balloons barely survived the wind
Thankfully, when we saw the weather forecast, we got crowns to decorate and bracelets to make and bubbles galore.
Yessssss queen
She loved beating the hell out of the piñata she so lovingly selected and played with **yikes face**
Big kid!!
Dorothy, Coop, and Lena were the best party helpers and could basically start a side hustle.
Ben “forgot” his suit

The car also was rough on the balloons.
She had 3 pieces of cake.
Dorothy: barely taller than the preschoolers.

But super strong
LOL her little stance kills me
Pizza and fries— her favorite foods.
Seriously she looks so grown up.
Next year, I think we will try to have her party after her birthday maybe because she was VERY BOTHERED that she still actually had 3 days left as a 3 year-old. Luckily! Her preschool bff had a birthday party THE VERY NEXT DAY.

On Monday, a lifeguard brought Minnie a bday present to the pool, which was a delightful surprise

And she wore a fancy dress to celebrate the LAST DAY OF THREE

As you can see, she helped bake her own cake. And she decorated it to her exact specifications

Ben was in Peoria when Minnie woke up on her bday morning, so we held off on cake and our gifts until dessert (when Ben was home), but she blew a candle out on her (pink) pancakes (with sprinkles) and opened gifts from her grandparents. Ben’s mom and dad sent her an etch a sketch (big hit) and the game hot potato (huge crowd fave with the sibs) and a SCOOTER that is now Minnie’s fave thing in the world.

My mom gifted her a toy shopping spree, and she went ALL IN on dolls and accessories:

We had a cookie at her favorite coffee shop and dinner at Culver’s (her choice OBVI)

When Ben got home, we could finally eat her pink cake and open the gifts that had been tempting her on the table

And yes, she does like her unicorn scooter way better than her Trek bike. 

But seriously, you guys. Can you even believe that MINNIE MARIGOLD is FOUR?!



  1. Happy Birthday 4th birthday to darling Minnie Marigold... She looks like a storybook kid in that gingham dress!

    1. I love that dress-- it used to be Dorothy's, natch

  2. What a fabulous celebration! I think you could add up all the birthday presents I've ever gotten in my entire life and they'd number less than what Minnie got for turning four - she's such a lucky girl!

  3. FOUR!!!! What a joyful post, Sarah! The entire celebration looks and sounds amazing. It was so fun to go back and read your pregnancy announcement and birth story! I'd read the birth story before and it's such a good one. YAY BABIES!

    1. 4 years was a whole different world, if that post is any indication

  4. Happy Birthday to sweet and spunky Minnie! What a fun celebration for her! Her cake looks amazing! I noticed that she scoots like Taco - with her left foot! Paul still cannot ride a bike because he has been far more interested in his scooter although his interest in that has waned and now he wants to ride in the stroller which I am like - aren't we past this stage? Re: your comment about whining, my kids seem to be champion whiners from a younger age... so I didn't notice a big difference around age 4. They were just slightly more logical/less tantrum-prone which is why I'm happy to say goodbye to 3!

    1. Minnie can't fit in the stroller anymore-- the straps won't fasten **yikes face**

  5. She DOES look so grown-up! I love the scooter pic in the blue gingham, partly because Eve has a skirt in the same print right now and Minnie reminds me so much of her at the same age.
    I love love love that you had a pandemic baby, so every year after just gets so much better.

    1. I hope Minnie grows up to be awesome like Eve!

  6. How could I possibly love this more? I could not. I am relieved that she clobbered that pinata, and I love her pictures in her fancy dress. When my daughter graduated from HS, she did not want a party. When she graduated from college, she allowed it, and was supposed to be hot but it was COLD and we were all outside. BAH WEATHER.

    I'm glad Minnie had such an amazing day. <3

    1. she slays me with the fancy dresses

  7. Well, I can believe Minnie is 4, but that's probably because I wasn't here for the pregnancy. I didn't connect the dots, but now I recognize that she was born in the middle of the pandemic. Yikes. I'm wrapping my brain around how tough that had to be.

    I love the possible-side-hustle helpers. So cute. Great pics. The weather was so not-August like. Looks like everyone still had a great time. Her being bummed to have 3 days left of being 3 is cracking me up.

    1. It was SO WEIRD to have a baby in the middle of a pandemic

  8. Happy Birthday Minnie!!!!! She is starting to look like a big kid! I love birthdays, and I love that you guys really know how to celebrate them. This all looks amazing!

  9. Four and sassy AF. :) Happy birthday, Minnie!

  10. Oh my goodness the fancy dress to celebrate the last day of being 3 pictures are priceless! And my younger daughter had a similar unicorn helmet to Minnie's and now she is in 8th grade and HOW when she was just that age?? Happy Birthday Minnie!

  11. Oh, happy birthday to Minnie! She does seem SO much more grown up these days, which is wholly unacceptable!

  12. These are all so precious! But also, did Ben drive clear back wearing his blazer? It gave me such nostalgia for when my dad would come in after being away on business and his work clothes seemed so out of place in the chaos of home, but we were all so thrilled to see each other.
