Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Minnie’s first trip to Pekin

 Can you believe that Minnie Marigold-- named for the MARIGOLD CAPITOL OF THE WORLD-- has never been to Pekin before?? The only time she has even been to Peoria is the weekend we moved Ben into his college apartment (will this ever not make me laugh? doubtful). Pandemic babies, amiright? No but really it’s terrible that we never go to there, and I am SO GLAD we had a quick visit last weekend and have 2 more scheduled for September.

We mostly drowned in junk food and cocktails, and I shared a few of those pics with no explanation in my last post. But did I show you the potato donut place?

We stayed at Embassy Suites because it was move in weekend at Bradley, and a student apartment seemed…not the best.
Minnie Very Seriously packed for her doll (a $9 Target doll who has supplanted Bitty Baby as her true love)

We went to BU where Dorothy enjoyed the weird campus art. (This is def a vagina, yes?)

I love hotels like this one where the room ring a huge lobby because the elevators are usually glass, and I am not claustrophobic in a glass elevator, so I don’t make my family lug everything up the sad interior stairwells.
Dorothy and Coop are old enough to go paddle boating by themselves on the Pekin park lagoon
Minnie and I watched
Spoiler: Coop did most of the peddling. After the ride, he said , “We could have done more teamwork.”
Mineral Springs Park has an excellent playground. It did when I was a kid, too, but it was one of those 1980s metal dangerous sharp hot playgrounds with peddles to cushion your inevitable fall. Now it’s safe but still fun!

Bradley move in day looked fun! And Ben got some great tips!  That I already got from Eau Claire parent FB groups but now he believes them because he saw them with his own eyes! Love that for us!
Dorothy left Ben ALL KINDS of note in his office
We visited my dad’s bench
Unfortunately the lovely river view is… obstructed. But I think there’s a new splash pad coming. My dad and I took the kids to the old splash pad here, so I think he’d approve.
(Not the best view behind the bench either…)
I got all manner of treasures from my mom’s house, including my wedding dress (!!!!!!!), tons of cringey writing from elementary-high school, and a quilt my grandma made for my room at her house that is pieces of all the clothes she made for me when I was a baby/toddler. Can’t wait to show you the murder mystery I wrote in 3rd grade about rival beauty queens that depicts an actual murder (kids could NOT draw/write that at school today w/o a visit from a school counselor and possibly a CPS home check up).

See you soon, Central Illinois!


  1. This looks fun!!! I like the vagina sculpture, ha. And even more than reading the beauty queen murder mystery, I want to see that quilt your grandma made!!!

  2. I have not been to Pekin, Illinois either but the park and the Pekin lagoon sound so appealing. Curly just found an old journal of hers. In it she describes all of her siblings personalities utilizing terrible spelling. "Bossy and gangs up on me," was the general vibe. She was cracking up. I bet your old writing was equally entertaining. I laughed at "Coulda used more teamwork."

  3. I lol'd at the teamwork comment too. Looks like a great time was had!

  4. Cooper looks super tall, Minnie packing for her doll is extra cute, and the inscription on your dad's bench (did you say your brother wrote it?) is just lovely. I too lol-ed at Ben's college apartment and Dorothy's contribution to teamwork :). Nice and summery with the little three!

  5. Clearly I need to brush up on my Midwest geography/ college towns. I have never heard of Pekin, nor did I know it was the marigold capital of the world! I also didn't know that Minnie is Minnie Marigold!

    I love your dad's bench. And the vagina sculpture with... alien arms maybe?
    I once wrote a short story where someone died in TWELFTH GRADE WRITER'S CRAFT and the teacher made me change it. How dumb is that?

  7. I have never been there, either, but I am so glad you had a wonderful weekend with more to come. <3
    Also, teamwork. Siblings. LOL.
