Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I am reading 3 books right now, and I love them all. I love them all so much that it is HARD to decide which book to devote my attention to. Currently engrossed in: Karin Slaughter’s new Will Trent book performed by Kathleen Early (audio), God of the Woods (hardback from library), and Pete and Alice in Maine (Kindle). I find it challenging to stop consuming any of them once I start. 

In fact, I was so engrossed in my Kindle last night at dive practice that I missed Cooper’s 13 bounces on the board for his 13th birthday, even though I went straight to the pool after my meeting to take pictures of it. I took one picture of his team donut break.

And also one picture of him eating a reasonably nutritious snack on the deck when he got hungry and needed a minute (something we have really been working on).

THIRTEEN. COOPER IS 13!!! (In diving years, he is 14-15 for the next two years, tho **eye roll**— aren’t sports ball ages wild? Like, Dorothy is just now 11 in dance years, even though she’ll turn 12 this season. Last year at 11, she was 10 in dance years. It’s all about birthday timing).

He woke up to presents and DQ cake

Followed by a second breakfast of waffles on his way to school

Then donuts with the dive team
Then my turn to drive home from practice (which is perfect because I am on campus all day Mondays) and take out Portillo with Dorothy and Jack before bed (not pictured. Also not pictured: Ben and me saying we didn’t want anything and then eating everyone’s fries and maybe also sampling some shakes).

He signed up for Instagram because the app says it’s for 13 and up (another solid eye roll from me) (I immediately put a screen time limit on it) and spent his scant bday time away from friends and sibs listening to music on his new headphones. Ah, the teenage life. He is taking friends golfing and out to lunch on Saturday to wrap up the celebration (2 little foursomes of pretend men— so cute), and he planned it himself, which is the real genius of teens.


  1. Happy birthday! This is controversial but I loved that age. It was just so fun. Angsty, but fun. Hope he had a great birthday!

  2. So exciting!!!
    And wow - those are some EPIC balloons. Can you come plan my birthday party this year? You have got it nailed down!

  3. Two foursomes of pretend men. Ha. Happy birthday to Cooper. Looks like he had some great treats and was well celebrated. Curious what the gift was that he was so excited about in the photo.

  4. Happy Birthday to Cooper! 13... Wow! Even the littles are moving into the teens! What a great celebration... and I'm curious about Portillo's (which we don't have).

  5. "Two little foursomes of pretend men" LOVE.
    yeah, I remember the sportsball age thing - I can't remember if Angus was older or younger than they kept saying for the LLWS, but it annoyed me every time.
    My brain kept wanting to make the title CBD, which I always think you must need after a week of your schedule. Happy birthday Cooper!

  6. You like the Will Trent books even after Sara Linton appears? I loved the early ones, but I wasn't sure how I felt when she showed up. Have you watched the series? It's amazing. (no Sara Linton lol)

  7. Happy birthday to Cooper! Another teen in your house!! My niece turns 13 today and I'm the bad aunt that failed to get her card/money in the mail before I left on this work trip...

    I love Minnie's facial expression in that photo w/ the birthday hat!! Too funny!

  8. Another teenager! I love that he organized a little birthday outing with his friends. That's amazing!
