Monday, September 23, 2024

“No Spend” results

 Ok, so, listen. I am going to share what I actually spent on my “no spend” week,  and I am pretty sure you are going to think it sounds pretty spendy. BUT I SWEAR IT WAS NOT AT ALL. It is pricey to have five freaking kids, you know?

This does not include any bills that we auto pay or any subscriptions (I get my shampoo and conditioner and my night cream and all of our random Amazon things via subscription, so lots of time, stuff just appears on my door at the exact right moment and I don’t even notice it. LOL).

 It also does not include anything that Ben spent, and he also got gas twice, ate dinner out, ran to Hyvee for apples and other things, bought groceries for Friday and Saturday night at Whole Foods (also more apples— we are in an apple era), did a random Target run, bought wine and coffee, and paid for Coop’s bday party (lunch for 10, plus golf for 10).

Sunday: $305

Target: $124 (random cleaning stuff, some prepackaged snacks and Naked Juice smoothies for after school/ pre-sports, random grooming products from all the bathrooms— I add what’s running low to my online cart when I am cleaning)

Metro Market: $178 (groceries— only cheap because I spent a million dollars at Trader Joe’s on Saturday before I started “not spending.”)

Google $3: I ran out of storage and had to up my plan real fast

Monday: NOTHING!!

Tuesday: $70

Whole Foods: $30 (none of this was essential except for a $7 gallon of milk. I was just killing time until the Amazon return station opened but then the person was late and I ended up using the self-serve kiosk which I could have done at the outset and not bought anything)

Culver’s: $21 (we all got kiddie meals— Culver’s broccoli is better than their fries)

Target: $9 (Naked Juice and face masks. LOL)

Car wash: $10 (forgot I was not spending)

Wednesday: $15

Copay at the doctor’s office: $15

Thursday: $70

Mobil: $4 (gum)

Greenbush: $37 (donuts for a work meeting)

Target: $29 (assorted bullshit and also Cheez-It’s for Minnie)

Friday: NOTHING!!!!!

I did have a PSL, but I used points!

Saturday: $71

Mobil: $51 (gas)

Amazon: $20 (ballet shoes for a certain someone who most definitely lost hers)

Grand total: $537 (but this includes groceries!!)

I want to beat this number for the week ahead— and by not getting my car washed, trolling the aisles at Whole Foods, and buying donuts, I am pretty sure I can… Ben is also tracking what he spends this week, too, since I am pretty sure he out-spent me last week, and I know he has about $150 worth of pressed shirts and dry cleaned suits to pick up. ON THE OTHER HAND, I think groceries will cost more this week. But! If I can avoid the midweek shops, then maybe not?** 

I think I need more immediate rewards. Like, we need to do something I can see with extra money each week— stuff it in an envelope under the mattress maybe? (KIDDING). Also extra money LOL— Harry’s tuition is due this month, and dance just sent their September bill. THERE IS NO EXTRA MONEY, silly.

Minnie now wears last year’s Costco holiday finery any old day— love that for her.

**Between the food portions of my Target runs, the wine and coffee store, Hyvee, and Whole Foods, I am pretty sure groceries clocked in around the $600 mark…I think it is better to spend more on the big weekly shop because every time I go out for “one quick thing” it becomes also lots of random stuff, too. BUT ALSO, groceries just sort of cost what they cost, and I don’t expect to really save in this category.


  1. Life is expensive, and life with five kids, well, I can't even. Our grocery bills are at a low right now with M at university (although, really, it's just paid for in a different way, you know?) and the garden is in high production. But I still can't go to Costco without spending $500 and my weekly grocery spend is still a lot, so $537 including groceries seems pretty good. I haven't done a "no spend" but I mainly spend money on groceries so...

  2. Groceries is such a big category and I can't imagine with such a big (and active!) family.
    Minnie's dress is a dream.

  3. I'm laughing at "there is no extra money." SO true. I keep thinking I'm going to get ahead and put some money away for Christmas spending... hahahahaha.
    You did have two days of "nothing" and one of a small copay at the doctor. I mean... life is expensive, what are you going to do?

  4. I always think that groceries can't possibly count in a no-spend week/month whatever. You HAVE TO EAT.

  5. It boggles my mind to think about how my parents raised 5 kids. I remember my mom buying so many gallons of milk each week (of which I drank none or as little as was required). But that is what sticks out in my mind the most. But they did not pay for our college educations because it just wasn't feasible for them, which was fine. 529s weren't really a thing back then, I don't think, so I took out loans which were pretty small since it was so cheap to go to college back in 1999-2023!

  6. I am ALSO a "groceries just cost what they cost" person and... I am sure I could save a bunch of $$$ if I changed that about myself, or like, meal planned around sales vs around what I think I can stand eating/making. I think you are doing great; I spent $225 at the grocery store today and we have three people in our household. Plus two amazon orders this weekend and a tank of gas. And I need more contacts. UGH. Spending money is the worst.

  7. I laughed out loud at "I forgot I wasn't spending." I, too, think groceries is mandatory stuff. If I was doing a no spend week, I'd work to not spend on clothes and whatever other extras. Most of our money is spend on groceries and you are so right. 5 kids cost a lot. It does help when they move out and they make decent money and one of them repays his folks for tuition money, so we have it to pay for Reg next year. Running out to get a few things ALWAYS means that I will fill at least one cart. There's no other way. It's impossible.
