Monday, October 21, 2024

Money Monday

 Ha! It is finally happening! We are starting to only spend what we planned to spend all along, and it doesn't even feel like we are making any sacrifices! I thought we would end up here, but it was a spendy few weeks until we did. 

To stay on our target this past week, we decided to make homemade pizza on PIZZA FRIDAY instead of getting takeout, and Minnie LOVED making the dough in the bread machine. 

Dinner was FREE instead of $80 and was great! (We had sauce, toppings, and salad stuff, plus all the crust ingredients) (I know it wasn't actually FREE because I did buy the ingredients at some point in my life, but except for the veggies, it was mostly just stuff that's been in the cabinet forever anyway)

We even had some extra expenses, and we still managed to be basically on-track even though I needed serum for my face; Jack had to put AP test deposits down, and Minnie's school pics were ready to order. When my period came back from a 138-day vacation (did not actually miss her you guys), and I went wild at Walgreens, it was NBD.

Best thing I bought: Lancome was having a gift with purchase on their website, so I got a cute little gifty set and makeup bag with my serum plus 3 deluxe perfume samples for my car stash (YOU NEVER KNOW)
Worst thing I bought: Freaking STARBUCKS. We have not been there forever, but the girls and I had a fairly frustrating pop-up diving practice commute on Sunday, so I went through the drive thru as a treat. AND IT TOOK 40 MINUTES. We were late to pick up Coop (and I really just went there because I did not want to be awkwardly early), and I drove away without Dorothy's drink because I literally could not wait another second (she also got a cake pop and was Very Cool about it). $20 terrible dollars.

Dorothy and Minnie were OK with the drive thru line, but I was getting STRESSED
Minnie displayed her excellent media literacy skills by yelling THIS SONG WILL HAVE A BAD WORD! THE E IN THE WHITE BOX MEANS IT HAVES A BAD WORD.

Also, the divers! Are cute!


  1. OMG your period came back after 138 days??? Bummer.

  2. Lisa’s Yarns12:47 PM

    Ugh that sucks that your cycle came back. Why!!! I bet you were really hoping to be firmly entering menopause. I’m in the stage where my cycle comes every 23-25 days. Which is too often.

    My kids love cakepops, especially Taco but dang they are pricey. I try to talk them into donuts from the grocery store next to SBUX but then I feel like an a-hole for letting them eat donuts from the grocery store inside SBUX while I sip my coffee. But I am sure the employees don’t really care and SBUX makes so much money off me that I should not feel bad at all.

  3. My friend is a few years older than you I think (just turned 50) and had a 350+ day break, but then her period came back. Not fair! Congrats on doing so well on your spending, and homemade pizza is FUN!

  4. I had a tiny bit of a salad bag left yesterday and with a tiny bit of effort I added stuff until it was a presnetable salad and that was so satisfying. Prob not as satisfying as homemade pizza. Plus Minnie loved making the crust. Awesome. I don't drink coffee and I think that ends up saving me so much that I should maybe like fly to Hawaii or something. ;) Drive thrus that take forever are the worst though. Speedy service is the whole point.
